Normal Life? Ahahaha, that's funny!

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On one of my first rheumatologist visits my doctor told me that I'd have a "normal life."

Needless to say I internally laughed.

I personally don't call monthy shots and weekly pills normal, but alright... Honestly though, its not just the medicine.

It's pushing yourself to get out of bed in the morning when you don't feel good.

It's the emotional pain of feeling like/knowing you'll never get better.

It's crying yourself to sleep because you hurt so bad.

It's those dirty looks people give you when you limp, or use a wheelchair, or cane, even when they don't know you.

It's the frustration, the anger, the depression.

These are just a few things I struggle with every day.
While, I'm generally a happy person I do have myself a pity party every once in awhile... But I feel like that's normal.

You're going to get sad, you're going to want to invest in a punching bag also... I'm kidding, but sometimes I wish I had one. I hate not being able to control my situation, but I've learned to except it.

Last year, I hated being like this but today I know I'm alright because I got back up and kept fighting.

Keep fighting, even if you need to stop and throw yourself a pity party that's okay just keep going.

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