The nightmare that I couldn't wake up from.

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Oct 6, 2014, 3:00 o'clock (in the middle of the night)

I found myself waking up for the billionth time that night, a paralyzing pain throughout my body.

After about ten minutes and debating on to call for my parents I sat up, not wanting to wake my younger sister, and that alone hurt.

Somehow I had managed to find the strength to climb down my ladder and I made it to the kitchen sink, but my body couldn't take it anymore.

I clutched onto the sink with all my might, feeling as if my legs were paralyzed.

I couldn't move, I was so scared.

I called out to my parents, my emotions showing in my voice, I had sounded like a small child who had woke up from a nightmare.

My parents stumbled in still in a sleepy state, until they saw me, when they did immediately they woke up.

My mom said my name, her tone laced with concern and astonishment, she asked what was wrong and I explained as best I could.

They told me to sleep on the couch and my mom never left my side.

Two weeks passed, many prayers later I remained in that awful state of pain, I had been to the hospital twice.

I had lost 7 pounds since I had no appetite and only ate when forced, I didn't even have the strength to drink water.

One night my parents decided to take me to a big hospital hours away from where I lived, I cried begging them not to since the previous car rides hurt worse then just laying on the couch, they told me firmly that they'd let me rest that night but the next day they were taking me.

Needless to say, I didn't get very good sleep.

That next day, as promised, my parents made me go to the hospital.

I had five doctors see me in the ER when they decided to keep me for a night, I was upset, I felt as if I was trapped in a nightmare never to wake up.

Come morning I had counted elven doctors that were all trying to figure out what was wrong with me, and that's not counting nurses.

They had come to the conclusion that I had Systemic arthritis, only ten percent of kids have it, I guess I'm just different.

They sent me home thanks to a kind doctor who heard my mom out when she said she couldn't stay another night and refused to leave me by myself, and her mentioning that she was pregnant helped I'm sure.

Those weeks of pain are blurry to this day, I felt as though the pain had sucked the life out of me.

I had cried almost daily during those weeks, I couldn't explain to anyone how I felt not even the doctors all I told them was that I had pain from my neck down.

I remember people helping me with everything, the pain was so bad my older sisters helped me with anything and everything that involved moving, I hated having people help me, I hated needing the help.

All I wanted was to wake up from this awful nightmare.



Hello, just so you know if the dates are random its because most of the time I'll be adding a line from my journal and including the date.

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