Glass Bottle

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"Sometimes you just want to take a glass bottle throw it at something, and watch it shatter."

"Don't you see?" She replied "I am that bottle."

Have you ever wanted to be different? Stop shaking your head 'no', I know you have.

I used to think that I wanted to stand out from the crowd, I wanted something that most kids didn't identify with. Isn't that just awesome? I got my wish! But not how I wanted it to be, I've always wanted to be the kind of girl that others look up to... I guess it's funny in a way because now I know that one day I will. That someday I'll walk in heels again, that I'll go for a run at 6:00 in the morning, that I'll be able to say "I made it, I survied my storm."

I guess hope is all I have. Hope that one day I won't have monthy doctors appointments, weekly pills, monthly shots, hope that I can no longer say I relate more with elderly people then kids my own age. I know many people in my situation might shake their fist at God wondering why he did this to them, but God allows things. Maybe He's not punishing you, maybe He's trying to tell you something, better listen up.

Recently I realized that I have two identities, one you're reading now, the other is basically my other book. I let people see smiling me and hide the me that's in awful pain because of her own immune system. People assume I'm okay because I act like I am, but let's get one thing straight; even if I say I'm okay I haven't been magically healed, alright? Good.


Hey! If anyone's reading this then feel free to comment, okay? I know how hard it is to not want people to know, but it's okay. You're just being you, it's not your fault for having arthritis :D

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