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(TW mentions of blood and violence)

Colby POV

This day has been horrible so far!!!!

First, there was a weird perv at my work who was flirting with me which led me to being scared which caused the second awful thing to happen today.

Being scared is one of my little space triggers, so that perv almost made me slip which I hate.

Then my ride canceled. So I have walk down an alley to get home at a decent time. Which sucks might I add. And it's dark so it just adds to the creepy esthetic that my day has had.

All of the sudden I tripped over something, knocking me out of my thoughts. Before I could get up someone grabbed me and threw me against a building. I didn't even have time to fight back before I felt the worst pain of my life radiate through my neck down my body.

The last thing I saw before I past out was a man, who had blood covering his face.
Huh? That's kinda weird I wondering what that's from? I thought, then the darkness finally pulled me in.

Maverick POV

I had just finished with my last victim, making sure that, A I didn't kill them I just had a drink and, B I hypnotized them so they wouldn't remember any of this.

When I whimpering coming from something to alleys over. Not wanting whatever it was to be in pain I made my way over. When I got there I was shocked to find a little boy laying on the ground all bloody.

I quickly made my way over to make sure he was alright, but upon further inspection I realized that he was a fledgling. ( a fledgling is a newborn vampire. So they're basically babies.) he hadn't open his eyes yet, that's when I noticed that he was changed within an hour or two.

So I immediately looked around see if I could find his sire, vamps can be pretty territorial over their things meaning usually end raising their fledglings do to fear of them being taken away. So not wanting to piss anyone off even though they couldn't hurt me do to the fact that if they could I wouldn't be able to be king.

You don't just leave your fledgling, sires are supposed to keep their fledglings until the newborn can control their cravings, if not the fledgling could kill a whole town before they're satisfied.

So imagine my surprise when I couldn't find his sire anywhere within a five mile radius. They are so gonna pay when I find them.

I'm pulled from my thoughts by the boy thrashing, and crying. I've heard the change can be quite painful, so it's normal for him to be like this but, I couldn't stand to see the pain on his face.

My dom side kick in and I immediately picked him up then started to bounce him.
When he does wake up caring affections like this are really important because they'll make him feel safe and secure.

That's why most fledglings turn into littles, they never grow out of wanting constant attention, which is fine because there aren't actually that many fledglings most vampires are born vampires not turned.

I've always wanted a fledgling/little but I've tried before no ones ever clicked, they all grow up and leave which is fine, but lately my daddy side has been acting up so I've been on the look out for another one.

I look down to see the little one all nuzzled into my neck sound asleep. He's so cute he has pale skin, but rosy cheeks, and red plump lips. He doesn't have a sire, he won't be able to control his cravings yet,and he doesn't know how to hunt. He's perfect.

Well I guess I just found my little boy I've been looking for. And I don't plans on letting him go.

To be continued~

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