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Colby POV

(Another time skip only this time brought to by jamless jimin)

The days passed by quickly with daddy training to control my cravings. Pretty soon it'd been a month and a half since I'd gotten here and I was ready to go back.

The only problem was I don't know low willing daddy'll be. I have work lined up soon so I need to go back.

"Hey daddy." I said as I walked into his huge office. I was currently on one of my off times for little space. So I didn't get in trouble for not crying for him instead of going to him.

"What's up, Baby?" He asked as shivers went down my spine from his deep raspy voice.

"I need to go back." I stated bluntly.

He immediately tensed up as if I was asking to leave him permanently.

"Why?" He asked

"I have work and a life that I completely left when you brought me here." I said in a matter-of-factly tone.

I know I'm being stand-offish, but I've learned in these passed months that i have to be otherwise his dominant personality over rules everything I say.

"But I don't want you to go." He whines as he slumps back in his chair.

"I know but I have to. It's part of being an adult." I said

"Well, you don't have to be an adult. You can right here and be my little baby." He said with a smirk

"As great as that sounds," I stated sarcastically

"I can't stay here with you and ignore the world around me."

"You could if you wanted to." He tried to bargain but, it wasn't working.

"Anyways I also came to tell you I'm almost done packing then I'm heading out." I said carefully, hoping he'd forgotten the whole 'house check' thing.

However luck wasn't on my side because he caught on.

"I never checked your house though." He said as he analyzed me, as though I was lying.

"My house is fine I swear. There's no need to check." I tried to play it cool.

I really didn't want him to see, it was in probably one of the worse places in the city, tucked in a alley way. I had no front yard, there were always pervs lurking, and it's where most reports of shootings happen.
It also didn't even begin to compare to this place. It probably wasn't even the size of the garage here.

"What're you trying to hide?" He asked slyly with a smirk.

"Nothing! Nothing at all. I'm just eager to go home that's all." Good going Colby I'm sure he'll believe that.

"Ok you may go." He said nonchalantly

"Really? thank you daddy!" I went over to his side and pecked his cheek.

Oh did I forget to mention we'd grown closer in the past month and a half. He'd even asked me to be his boyfriend after going out a few times.

"I want a real kiss, baby." He demanded

Shivers went down my spine at the tone of voice he used.

"That was a real kiss, daddy." I said

"Baby, don't test me right now." He said in a sultry voice

Deciding it was better to give him the peck he wanted, rather than a trip over his lap, I leaned down pressing my lips to his quickly before pulling back with a smile.

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