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Maverick POV

"Hey, baby." I coo with a beaming grin, as I see my little angel waking up.

All I get for a reply is happy baby babbles and a "da" here and there. He must be really deep into his headspace today.

"Let's get you changed, then we can have a nice warm baba, and cuddle while watching some toons. Sound good?" It was a rhetorical question, but it seemed like he tried to answer me still with his babbles.

I gently pick him up out of his crib and lay him down on the changing table, making sure he has his favorite stuffie, a fuzzy dolphin named lulu, before quickly changing his diaper and his pjs.

I then take my still slightly sleepy baby, down to the kitchen where a fresh bottle of his favorite blood type, O-neg, has been warming.

His eyes light up when he sees the bottle, he must be really hungry this morning. I take the bottle from its warmer and walk out to the sitting room, and take a seat in the recliner, before turning on some cartoons for my little baby to watch as he feeds.

He latches on quickly, obviously quite hungry, but he spits it out after he takes his first sip, a scowl taking place of the happy grin he just had.

"What's wrong, baby? You loved it yesterday." My brows furrow as I try to figure out why he won't feed.

I go to try again but this time he turns his head away and glares at me, baring his fangs and hissing.

"Eh, just because you aren't getting what you want doesn't mean you can bare your fangs and hiss. That's a no-no." I scold gently

Baring fangs and hissing in vampire culture are basically the equivalent of flipping some off and asking for a challenge. It's extremely rude especially to sires, and while I may not be his sire I am his daddy/dom, making it just as rude.

Before I can think anymore he lets out extremely unhappy whines, and try's his absolute hardest to sit up.

Still completely unaware of what he wants, I sit him up so that he's straddling me, push his head into the crook of my neck, and start rocking him back and forth, trying to sooth the on coming tantrum.

Only yelp as I feel him start to suckle on my neck. Then it finally dawns on me, he wants his sires blood. Sires usually feed their fledglings for the first couple months of life before taking them out hunting, it helps curb their cravings without hurting anyone. It's also one of the best ways to help settle a fussy fledgling, since a sires blood usually calms them and lets them know they're not alone. But, since I'm not Colbys sire I only fed him blood bags and did my best to train him to control his cravings, so he could hunt quicker. And I've made sure that he has close contact with me in case his instincts ever came about. But I guess they kicked in when he slipped smaller, making him want closer contact to me since I'm the closest thing he has to a sire.

"So, my fussy little baby wants fresh blood, hmm?" I adjusted him in my lap so he has better access to neck.

"It's ok baby, go ahead and bite, you can." I encourage, but he still doesn't. His fangs may not have grown in, with that in mind I bring his head out of my neck and bite my wrist, holding it in front of his nose so he gets the scent of fresh blood. His eyes turn a ruby red and he quickly grabs my wrist and starts drinking, he breathes a sigh of content and his body goes slack. his eyes floating over to the long forgotten cartoons.

I feel a burst of pride surge through my chest as I feel Colby. Believe it or not I've never actually sired a fledgling before so to be able to do this is one of the greatest honors.

After 9 or 10 minutes he detaches himself looks up at me and points to his toys, I guess he wants to play.

We spend the next 3 hours playing before it's time for Colbys nap. While he naps I'm planning to get a little work done that way the rest of the can be spent relaxing with my little baby. So I pick up the sleepy fledgling, and take him up to his nursery for another change, but when I go to lay him down he starts bawling his eyes out.

"Shhhh, shhh, babe why the tears?" I start bouncing him attempting to soothe his tears but nothing works. I decide to bring him with to my office since Colbys tantrum cut into my work time,  I'm pretty sure he's just feeling clingy today and doesn't want to be away from his sire, or me in this case. Hence, why he had a craving for fresh blood this morning.

I sit down in my chair with Colby straddling me, because he needs to sleep and not watch my computer and end up straining his eyes, I put on quiet nursery rhymes and start rubbing his back, lulling him into a deep slumber.

I finished my work pretty quickly, now shopping for things my precious baby may need while he's in this deep of a headspace.
I add teething rings, plain silicone and ones you can freeze, diapers, rash cream, onesies, bottles,bibs, as well as baby friendly toys, to the cart before checking out.

I had good timing because just as I finish Colby, starts groan and quietly babble.

"Da?" He mumbles, I'm guessing he's wondering where he is.

"I'm here baby boy, did you have a nice nap and daddy's lap?" I ask even I know I'm not going to an answer.

I stand up, walking down to the kitchen and strap him into his high chair while I work on dinner. I whip up some chicken noodle soup for me and tomato for Colby while responding to his happy babbles here and there with "really?!" Or "my little smarty pants."

I feed him his dinner, making sure the soup was the perfect temperature so he didn't burn mouth. Then I gave him a bath since it seems that his only goal in life is to be messy. He had a little bit more of my blood, before he was out like light.

I took a moment just to stare at him ( not in a creepy way) and thank whatever gods are out there, for bringing this little bundle of joy in my life.

To be continued~

First things first I wanted to you guys know that I didn't forget abt the 1k special it's just been turned into the 10k special bc WE'RE ALMOST AT 10K!!!!!!!!!!!

And bc we reached 6k before I could even finish it lol😂

Thank you soooo much for voting on the last chapter!!!!

Also I'm gonna start doing something new...Shout outs!!!!!!

So just vote or comment on a chapter and your name may be in the newest chapter!

This weeks is~Red-wolf-17

Word count:1221

See ya my lovelies💜💜💜

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