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Colbys POV

I slowly opened my eyes feeling all warm and fuzzy. I went to rub away the remaining sleep from my eyes, when I realized that I was not only laying in the damn crib again but, I was also swaddled.

I must've made a decent amount of noise while trying to get out of the blanket (correction straight jacket.) that was holding me hostage because soon enough, the creepy perv I'm supposed to call "daddy" came strolling in the room with an amused look on his face.

"Having a little trouble baby?" He teased

"Shut up and let me out of this thing." I sassed

"Oh it seems someone's out of little space."

That when the memories came flooding back.

I gave in.

I slipped.


Shit this ain't good.

I tried not to look as scare as I was when I said,

"I-I-I don't know w-what you're talking a-about."

Great nice going Colby he's definitely going to believe you now.

"Oh but you do, little one, whether you admit it or not you're a little." He stated,
with a dominant tone that sent shivers down my spine.

Right as I was about to retort something, the craziest thirst I've ever had in my life hit me like brick.

My throat was as dry as cotton, my chest felt like someone was ripping my heart out, and the migraine that started before I went to sleep hit me full force.

I let a pained whimper escape my lips, looking up at "daddy" seeing his facing contort from worried to concern in a matter of seconds.

In a flash I was out of the crib and being carried over to the same rocking chair that "daddy" spanked me in earlier.

Shit did I do something to make him angry again.

I started to struggle and cry from a mixture of fear and pain as he sat down.

I was not getting spanked again.

Never again.

(A/n if only you knew Colby.....if only you knew.)

But, instead of laying me over his lap he cradle me, my head was in the crook of his arm and my legs were across his legs.

I was about to start protesting when, something rubber was shove in my mouth.

Then a little liquid started to dribble in my mouth forcing me to swallow if I didn't want to choke.

I looked down to see what I assumed it was.

A damn baby bottle this dude really wants me to slip doesn't he? Well jokes on him because it ain't gonna happen.

But on the bright side it soothe my body almost immediately. The "milk" seriously was the best thing I've ever tasted.


Did he drug it?

Is that why I feel better.

I didn't realize how fuzzy my brain was until "daddy" starting cooing.

"It's alright sweet pea, just give in stop fighting. Daddy promises you'll feel so much better if you do."

And so that's exactly what i did.

I gave in and let the fuzziness take over without a second thought.

Maverick POV

I sigh and checked the time.


Colby should be waking up soon, he's been asleep for about and hour and a half.

Right on right on cue I hear little whines coming from the baby monitor on my desk.

I stood up and started heading for the kitchen, since the last chat with my little one, didn't go so well I forgot that he had to feed.

I have a little bit more time before I have to worry about the side effects.

With that in mind I pop open the bottle warmer and test it, before going upstairs to my, what I assume to be pissed little fledgling.

Opening the door to his nursery, I'm greeted by him struggling to get out of the swaddle I put him in after he fell asleep.

It's kinda like watching a turtle on its back.

(A/n plz if you see a turtle that's flipped, gently turn it back over. thx ya💜)

I tried to not let my amusement show but, I guess I didn't try hard enough because Colby started yelling at me.

During our bickering I see Colby slowly getting paler.

Then all of the sudden, he stopped talking and whimpered.

Proving my suspicion that the side effects are starting to kick in.

Quickly using my handy-dandy vampy speed I have him cradled in my lap with the bottle in his mouth before he can protest.

I give it a little squeeze so he has no choice but to drink.

Very slowly as he's drinking I being to see his color come back.

And not too long after I see that familiar little spark in his eyes telling me he's trying not to slip.

We can't have that now can we?

Most of the pain he's probably dealing with right now will go away with the medication I put in the bottle and slipping.

So I started quietly encouraging him.

"Come on baby it's alright you're safe with dada. You can slip sweetheart."

Pretty soon, his face split into the largest grin ever and he gave me a big wet smooch on my cheek.

I breathe a sigh of relief that my baby finally slipped.

I would've had to probably give him an injection if he didn't.

See, I don't like forcing my littles to slip but if it's a case like Colby I would do what was best for his health. Which was slipping.

It's his minds coping mechanism for dealing with anxiety and stress and this is a very stressful situation so he could make himself sick by not slipping.

I may have to give him something so that he stays in headspace. I'm guessing he doesn't let himself slip regularly otherwise he wouldn't fight himself so hard every time he wants to.

I take a deep breath and rub my temples, I can already tell tonight's going to be hectic and it's not even three yet.

To be continued~

Hey guys sorry for the kinda sucky chapter I just really wanted there to be a bonding moment between Maverick and Colby.
Next chapter we'll get back to the main story line.
Also plsssss don't forget to vote and comment I love talking to you guys.
Anygays see ya my lovelies💜💜💜

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