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Mavericks POV

"Little one you can't say nono words, it's against the rules" I say in a deep gravely tone.

I can tell he's trying hard to keep up his bad boy persona but, to a trained eye you can see the fear that flashes through his face every time I step closer to him.

"Stop talking like that." He spits out

" like what?" I question, in the same tone as before.

" like you're a daddy or something-"he cuts himself off by slapping a hand over his mouth, after realizing what he just said.

A theory comes to mind after he says that.
My curiosity got the better of me, which led to me testing my theory.

"Oh and how would you know about what a daddy is little one?" I ask in a very deep voice.

I saw it. Even if it was only for a split second before he masked.

He's a little.

This is going to be interesting, I've never raised a fledgling that was already a little. Sure I introduced them to the lifestyle and trained them, but I never knew one that was already a little.

" hey scary dude!!! Why am I so damn thirsty? Did you drug me?" He practically screams at me.

"First of all don't used that voice with me unless you want to be spanked, second do not curse I warned you once, this makes twice, if there is a third time your bottom is going to be cherry red, and third if you let me calmly explain what happened I will give something to take care of your thirst. Deal?"

He just grumbled under his breath so I took that as a yes.

"Alright, I'm going to be very blunt about this vampires are real, one saw you as a snack, sucked you dry then gave you some blood, then you technically died, oh and your thirst is because you need blood within the first six hours of waking up after you turn."

He just looks at me as if he's seen a ghost.

Then all of the sudden he screams at the top of his lungs,

"You fucking psychopath!!! You're out of your fucking mind!!! What the fuck is wrong with you?!"

"Little one," I say in a sickly sweet tone

" did I not just warn you about cursing and yelling?"

To be continued~

The troubled little and his vampire daddyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin