Part 4

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Colbys POV

Shit I pissed him off!!!!!

"Y-you did, b-but I didn't mean to."
I said as tears started to form in my eyes.

"Alright how about this," he stated gruffly

"Why don't we start over? If you're respectful this time, I won't turn your bottom into a cherry. Deal?"

I just nodded yes, feeling my cheeks turn bright pink.

" ok first question what's your name?" he asked

"Colby, what's yours?"

"Well Colby, you can call me daddy."

Feeling all the blood drain from my face i deadpanned.

" I'm not calling you that."

"Oh will before you know it." He retorted

"No I won't!" I yelled

It was only after I saw his eyes practically turn black, did I realize my mistake.

"Colby," he started out.

I already knew this wasn't going to end well.

" what was the deal we just made?"

"You said that if I was respectful, you wouldn't turn my bottom into a cherry."

I mumbled the last part, feeling my face blazing.

"Speak up I can't hear you." He demanded

I hate that my little side was loving this.

"I said, that if I was disrespectful you would turn my bottom into a cherry!!!" I was frustrated at this point, and I was also on the verge of a migraine.

"That's it!!" He said

All of the sudden he stormed over to the crib, picked me up, and took me over to a rocking chair in the corner, sitting down and laying me over his lap, and pulling my pants down.

I started squirming, feeling my little side on the surface.

" now Colby, since we haven't gone over the rules yet I won't go to hard on you, but you still disrespected me, 3 times in the past 10 minutes so you're getting 15 spankies, I want you to count and, if you take them like a good little boy then you can have a bottle and play a little bit, however if you try to reach back while I'm giving you them, I'll add five. Understand?"

"Yes" I mumbled, just trying to keep little me from coming out.

I felt a swat on my inner thigh,

"Yes, what?" He asked

"Yes daddy" I grumble

"Alright I'm starting." He stated then started raining swats down on my bum.

"Colby, why aren't you counting?"

"Because I don't want tooooooo" I whined

"Colby this is your first and last warning, either you start counting, or you butts going to be black and blue the time we're done."

He was going to find out about my little side sooner or later so, I finally gave in and started counting.

"One" smack

"Two" smack

"Theee" I slurred

"F-ore" i started to cry, feeling little me completely take over.


"T-wen" I choked out, I was full on sobbing at this point.

"F-with-t-ween" after I sobbed out the last number daddy cuddle me a started whispering sweet things in my ear.

"Shhhhhh baby, stop the tears it's ok daddy's here"

I couldn't hold back anymore I wanted comfort.


"Shhh," he got up and started bouncing me.

" daddy's here little love it's ok everything's ok."


"I know sweet pea, I know but, daddy needed to confirm something."

What did he need to confirm?

"You took your punishment so well babe."
He whispered

Pretty soon I found myself drifting to sleep in my daddy's huge arms.

~to be continued

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