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Author POV

Maverick walked in to his little boys nursery agreeing hearing cries from the monitor, only to find Colby, sitting up in his crib clearly out of little space, with a terrified look on his face.

"What's the matter bubbs?" Maverick asked

"It's true." Was all little Colby managed to mumble out.

He'd finally come to except the fact that vampires existed and he was one.

"What's true?" Maverick asked, still not understanding what his baby meant.

"I-Im a vampire." Colby responded, still speaking in a hushed whisper, as if saying normally would make it true.

Maverick just sighed and walked over the crib to pick Colby up. Knowing that he needed a lot of comfort right now.

"Yes. Yes you are. As am I." Maverick assured

"How did I get turned?" Colby asked, it had been one the questions plaguing his mind since they talked.

"That I don't know I found you an hour or two after it had happened. I tried to find your sire but, they must've ran as soon as they started the process."

"When can I leave?" Colby asked, wanting to divert his mind from the fact that a stranger had technically killed him.

"That's not important." Maverick said dismissively.

"Why can't I leave?" Colby tried again

"Because, you can't control your cravings yet, you have no idea how to hunt, feed, hell your fangs haven't even grown in fully,"

"And...I don't want you to. Look I know this is a lot but, you're different from my other littles. I can't pin point it yet but, I'd like to have an actual relationship with you."

"Just for now stay. I really like you and I know you don't know me yet but, we can get to know one another better while I'm training you."Maverick said rather pleadingly.

There were a few minutes of silence while Colby thought, he really like it here it just weirded him out a little bit that he kept wanting to slip, which he was not a fan of, but other then that he really liked the man who kept referring to himself as 'daddy'.

So with a heavy sigh he gave his answer.

"Alright, I'll stay."

Maverick could almost feel his heart start beating again. But, before he could break into his happy dance, Colby started again.

"But, I have some conditions." He stated

"As do I." Maverick threw right back

"You go first." He said

"1.I get to go back to my job after my cravings are handled. 2. If you want a relationship with me then we're gonna take things slow. We have all the time in the world now, quite literally, so let's not rush. Starting with after my cravings and training are handled, i want to move back to my old place." Colby put a hand up to stop Mavericks protest.

"It doesn't mean I'm moving out permanently just for now. Also what's your real name? I'll still call you daddy most of the time but I'd like to know." He finished

Maverick hesitated before speaking.

"It's Maverick but, don't think for a second I won't bend you over my knee if you start calling me that in little space." He said with a serious face.

Colby let a out a giggle, which made Mavericks entire face light up.

"One more thing then you can say your conditions," Maverick just nodded his head for him to continue

"I don't want to be in little space all the time."he said hesitantly, trying to gage the other man reaction.

Maverick had expected this but, before he agreed to anything he wanted answers.

"Why don't you like slipping? It's a stress reliever for most people, yet for you it seems to cause stress." He pondered

"I just never had anyone I could just trust fully to take care of me while I was in little space. I get scared when I slip because I don't always remember where I am or if I'm with someone safe like my friends. So eventually I learned to just push the urge to that back of my mind." Colby said nonchalantly

"You know that's not healthy right? You regress for a reason, I get that before you couldn't but, that's going to change from now on." Maverick said sternly

"What do you mean?" Colby asked

"Let me say my conditions, then I'll explain. Deal?" Maverick asked

Colby just nodded in reply.

"Ok so first off, I'll let you continue your job as long as it's not a threat to your safety. If it ends up that it is then you'll quick and I'll find a place at my company for you. Second, you can live at your old house once i check it over and make sure it's alright. If it isn't then you'll be living here. Third, you'll have a body guard assigned to you whenever I'm not with you. I'll explain more about who I am later but, for now let's just say I'm very powerful and I have a lot of enemies who'd  love to find my weak point."

"Lastly about slipping, if you want your freedom to go to your job and live on you own, until you move in with me, you have to slip at least three times a week. It can do serious damage to your mental health if you keep pushing your little side away. You can get can get anxiety and panic attacks, extreme paranoia, among several other things, if you keep ignoring it. And if you can't abide by any of these then your staying right here and you'll be my little baby 24/7." Maverick finished with a pleased smile on his face.

"What happens if I forget to slip? Or you're just too busy to look after me?" Colby asked

"Id remind you and I'll always make time for you. Big or little." Maverick said as he began to card his fingers through Colbys hair.

"Ok I'll do it." Colby said after not being able to turn down the opportunity.

Maverick was over the moon with happiness, he finally got his little boy.

To be continued~

As always a huge thank you to everyone who voted on the last chapter.

And thank you for almost 450 reads!!!!

See ya my lovelies💜💜💜

The troubled little and his vampire daddyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant