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~a few hours later~

Colby POV

Daddy and I were currently playing with soft building blocks on the carpeted floor in my nursery, when my head started to feel really fuzzy.

I stopped playing in hopes that it would make that dizziness go away but, it didn't.

So I did the thing I thought was best.

I asked daddy.


"Yes,little love?" He responded

"Why hea-b sho fuzz fuzz?"

" your heads fuzzy?" He asked, concern becoming clear on his face.

I just nodded, getting too lost in what he was saying to actually realize what was happening.

Maverick POV

My baby and I, were happily playing in his room when he just stopped.

I let him go, figuring he probably just got distracted by something, but when he called me I knew something was wrong.

"Yes, little love?" I asked, hoping he wasn't going to respond how I thought he was.

"Why hea-b fuzz fuzz?" He cutely slurred.

It took a second for the question to register in my mind.


If his heads fuzzy it means he's trying to age back up. I really don't think it's good for him to come out of headspace right now, he's only been in it for a few hours and he was just starting to relax.

Plus his body is still going through changes that will be easier to deal with if he's little.

Like for example teething, if he was big he'd probably just ignore the pain and risk his fangs getting infected.

Where as in little space he'll feel the pain but I can give him stuff like ibuprofen, Tylenol, and teethers to help.

So long story short I need to make sure he stays in headspace for the next 3-4 days.

I sigh just thinking about the hell colbys gonna give when he's finally big again.

I do need to have a chat with him about everything going on after he's changed.

I take a deep breath and pushed all those thoughts away I'll deal with them later. Right now I need to make sure he stays small.

With that in mind I start to gently reassure him.

" hey Colby?" I asked, seeing his adorable little Bambi eyes stared up at me.

"My sweet little Colby," I continued, moving him to cradle him in my arms.

"You're such a tiny little baby aren't ya? But you're daddy's tiny little baby." I started to coo in a baby voice, hoping it would help him age down.

" oh my sweet precious baby, so tiny, so small." I began to rock back and forth, looking into his eyes, seeing just pure wonder.

That made both my vamp side and my daddy side, swell with pride.

He trusted me enough to age down.

Pretty soon the combination of sweet words and rocking lulled him into a deep sleep.

I got up careful not to wake him up, and then proceeded to gently lay him down in his crib and then I swaddled him up in fuzzy blankets.

I took a moment just to admire my beautiful baby, then all of the sudden he reached out and grasped my thumb, pulling it close to himself.

It was that moment that I knew.

He was the one.

My last little.

I don't care how much of a fight he gives me I'm not letting this one go. Ever.

To be continued~


I just want to thank everybody for voting on my last chapter it really meant the world to me.
Ik it sounds really cringy but I have a lot of shit going on in my life rn as I'm sure we all do.
But all that gets forgotten when I start writing.
So the votes I got on the last chapters really do mean so much to me.
Thank for coming with me on this shit show I call a story lol😂💜💜💜

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