Chapter 8.

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Guys please watch the video! Kai will be playing the character of Jojo! When Jojo talks imagine Kai's voice! Ugh, so cute!

"Jojo, I'm tired," I whine.

"Please, Booboo." He frowns, sticking his bottom lip out unintentionally.

"Jojo, it's too early in the morning for this." I yawn.

"But I can't do it myself." His frown deepens again, unintentional, yet so adorable.

"So get mum or Lily," I point to the door of my room, "even dad can help you, but I'd avoid Isaac."

Joseph grimaces, "Isaac's weren't... Um-"

"They were terrible." I chuckle.

"Booboo, if you make me pancakes I'll um- I'll, uh... well what do you want?" I could just coo at the pronunciation of his words.

"What could a toddler possibly have to offer me?" I ask more to myself rather than him.

"Huh?" He tilts his head to the side.

"What would you do for me?" I chuckle at his adorableness.

"I'll um," he thinks a little bit and then whines, "boboooo, what do you want?"

"To kiss the crap out of your cheeks." And with that he squeals as I pull him on top of me to pamper his face with kisses.

"Booboo!" He sequels through his laughter. "I-I just w-wanted p-pancakes!"

I giggle and leave a sloppy kiss on his cheek. "Alright, get up you little booger."

He crawls off the bed and jumps to reach the floor due to his height. "Boogers are icky, I'm not icky."

I roll my eyes with a fond smile on my face.

"Don't be gwumpy Booboo," he sighs with a smile, "you had to get up anyway."

"Oh, right," I shudder as I stand from my bed, "it's Monday."

"Da most disgusting day of da week," he mimics Justin with a grin.

I chuckle and shake my head, "good boy, you're learning."

He suddenly frowns once we're walking hand in hand down the hallway to reach the stairs. "Booboo?"

"Yes?" I frown down at him.

"Why hasn't Juju been coming around?" He asks sadly, stoping to look up at me when we reach the stairs.

I sigh, "no reason you need to worry about, Jojo. I'm sure you'll see him soon."

"Okay." He sighs sadly.

We pad down the steps- well more like hop down them because Jojo felt like it. We finally make it to the bottom and Joseph was breathless which made me chuckle.

He drags me to the kitchen and we both stop abruptly when we see Justin helping my mum with breakfast.

"Juju!" Joseph yells and let's go of my hand to run to Justin who had just wiped his hands clean. No, please, I'm not even here, brother.

Justin grins and gets on one knee to catch Joseph in his arms. As soon as my little brother is in the safe haven of his arms he gets up and spins around with my brother in his arms, squealing in delight.

"Ugh, I missed you too, Jojo." Justin smooches their cheeks together and Joseph laughs, trying to push Justin's face away but Justin wasn't having any of it. He continued to rub their cheeks together.

I stand there with my arms crossed over my chest watching with a soft adoring smile on my face. The mother of his children is going to be the luckiest mother in the world.

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