Chapter 11.

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Jason and Isabella on the lockers at school on the side-> Goals tbh.

"Morning, princess." Jason kisses my forehead as I hop into his car. He demanded he takes me to school because apparently his princess will only get special treatment as long as he's around. He can be as cheesy as he wants, just as long as I don't have to walk considering that's the only exercise I get.

"Good morning," I blush, smiling small.

"Before we drive off I gotta say something..." He bites his lips ring, playing with it.

"Go ahead." I nod.

"Well... I didn't exactly ask you out yet so..." He trails off, scratching his neck awkwardly.

"Jason McCann, are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I smirk.

He groans, "Isabella."

"What happened to princess?" I tease.

He glares at me and I laugh.

"Go on, McCann," I say smugly.

He grabs me by my neck softly and then connects our lips, shutting me up immediately and removing my smirk.

"Either you say yes to being my girl or I just claim that you are. Your choice," he breathes against my lips.

"I'll take the romantic way and say yes," I say breathlessly.

"Good." He pecks my lips and starts up his car.

I sit back in my seat blushing and playing with my fingers. My stomach is in knots. Gosh everything he does is attractive. I've never been this intimate with a guy. It is my first relationship after all. I'm innocent when it comes to intimacy with a guy.

In the corner of my eye, I see Justin as we drive past his house but don't acknowledge him. He isn't worth it after yesterday.


Justin's POV:

Again I witness their affection and a pang in my heart sounds. I feel so hurt... so... betrayed.

I don't even feel like we're best friends anymore with how much we keep hurting each other lately. I can't remember the last time I just popped into her house randomly.

I'm with a girl she despises and by the looks of it, she's with a guy I loath.

I always knew she hated Brooke but I've always had a thing for Brooke and I've been waiting to ask her out for as long as I've known her. I mean, she's hot. Good in bed too... Besides the point though. I like her.

I guess I betrayed Isabella too by being with Brooke. We're both just hurting each other with these relationships. She's not being with Jason to spite me though, right?

I shake my head of my thoughts and force a smile when I open my door to be greeted with a smile from Brooke.

She grabs my head and kisses me, taking me off guard completely. I pull away after a few seconds and she frowns.

"U-Uh morning breath," I lie. I guess I just feel different this morning. It is too early after all, but when has that ever stopped me? I guess that little moment in Jason's car with Isabella turned me off my mood.

"Oh," she nods, "I didn't realise."

I nod and force another toothless smile.


I walk into the school and decide to depart from Brooke. She goes to the other side of the school to talk to one of her teachers before class and I head for my locker near Isabella and the rest of our friends.

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