Chapter 10.

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Alfredo and Justin *heart eyes*

I waltz my way into school, again having to rock up alone since Justin has his own ride to school lately. I don't know if he'd been walking, taking the bus or just getting one of his mates to take him.

After the get together at my house, I hadn't seen him since. That was on Friday and today's Monday.

I grew up with this guy practically attached at the hip, but lately it seems that the glue that was holding us together is slowly separating. I went from seeing him everyday to seeing him a few times a week, and we live right next door to each other God damn it.

I sigh as I open my locker after finally reaching it. I had heads of homework so my bag is really heavy this morning.

I take out my books for double period of maths this morning. I could gag at the thought of it. What a way to start the morning with good ol' maths. Note the sarcasm.

"Hey, girl." Tori sighs, opening her locker.

"Hey, Tori." I kiss her cheek in greeting.

"How was your weekend?" She asks softly.

"Kinda boring," I shrug, closing my locker once I have my things, "I basically just done my homework and watched TV all weekend."

"I know how you feel." She sighs.

"Why? How was your weekend?" I ask as we lean against our lockers.

"I basically done the same thing and it was so boring," she whines.

"Our lives are uneventful at the moment." I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"Our lives?" She raises her eyebrow. "More like my life. Yours is the most eventful it's ever been. I mean, you're with Jason a lot lately. What's up with that?"

"Oh right..." I bite my lip guiltily. "I didn't tell you."

"Tell me what?" She raises her eyebrow.

"Well remember Jason's party how I was with him the whole night?" I ask her.

"Yeah..." She trails off. "We'll not really because I was off my face but yeah."

"Well that night he asked me if I'd consider going out with him..." I trail off and blush.

"What? Oh my God, you bitch!" She yells and I put my hand on her mouth to cover it but she gets my hand off. "How could you not tell me as soon as it happened! What kind of friendship is this?"

"Relax," I hiss. "I was going to tell you but you know... There was never the right time."

"Mhm," she hums sassily.

"And he wanted to persuade me to say yes so he... He kissed me-"

I get cut off by being attacked with her throwing her stuff at me. She throws her pencil case at me and I dodge it with my arms.

"Ow, don't!" I yell.

"This is a dysfunctional friendship!" She yells. "I should know everything."

"Well now you do," I hiss quietly.

"I bet Ryan knew before I did." She scoffs.

My eyes widen slightly as she's facing the other side with a scowl and I turn to lean my back on my locker and face away from her quietly.

"Izzy?" She asks quietly. "Did Ryan find out before I did?"

I never lie to her. I just can't, it doesn't feel right. So why should I start now?

The Proposition. ~Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now