Chapter 15.

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When he gives this look in photos it does something to me...^

Isabella's POV:

"Iz, if you don't get up I'ma get my brother's hamster to shit on your face!" I hear Justin screaming as he tries to pull off my bed sheets.

"Let me sleep!" I whine. "I was up all night finishing the season of Vampire Diaries so I can't start the new one!"

"I don't care if you were up all night saving the whales, you're getting out of this bed right now. I don't wanna be late to school!" He whines.

"Why do you care?" I groan. "Go without me!"

"I'd rather neck myself, now get up." He claps his hands. "I'll make your life easier and even pick your outfit out for you."

I wave him off and snuggle into the warmth of my pillows further, sighing contently that Justin's screaming had stopped and all I can here is his lovely humming as he searches through my clothes.

"Alright, here!" He places them on the bottom of my bed and rips the bed cover off, making me screech and shiver violently at the gust of air that attacks my body. I'm in booty shorts and a long t-shirt, so I'm freezing right now and my goosebumps only prove that.

Justin gulps and licks his lips as he eyes my tanned legs. Pervert.

"Do my exposed legs make you uncomfortable?" I tease.

He shakes his head and blinks. "Sorry I was day dreaming, I don't even know what you're talking about."

"Mhm." I roll my eyes, and get out of bed to look at the outfit he chose.

I gasp and jump back from it as if it were the plague. "What are those?!"

Justin laughs. "Good one."

"No seriously," I pick up my dad's old baggy jumper that has bleach stains on it and comes up to my knees and my brothers sweat pants he stopped wearing when he lost twenty kilos which means they're baggy as hell on my whole family, let alone me, "what the hell are those, Justin?"

"Clothes." He rolls his eyes and lays on my bed, putting a hand on his cheek as he watches me.

"No, these are a disease." I throw them on the computer chair near my desk. "And I am not wearing them."

"Why? I think it'll sure keep the guy's eyes off of you which will benefit your boyfriend." He clenches his jaw at the mention of Jason.

An uncomfortable twist in my stomach occurs at the mention of Jason. I haven't spoken to him since he embarrassed me and made me uncomfortable at his party on the weekend. To be honest I'm kind of scared to be around him now, knowing what he can be like.

"You haven't spoken to him since his party... Have you?" Justin scrunched his face up in a grimace.

"No." I play with the satin sheets, trying to settle my confusion of feelings. Jason's a great guy, it was probably because he was intoxicated and unaware of what he was doing.

"Don't worry, cutie." Justin smiles and gets up to pinch my cheek only to peck it as a friendly and reassuring gesture although I wish he wouldn't. "It'll be okay."

He then walks over to my closet and gets me a pair of blue skinny jeans, a white classy sweater with a v neck line with a white singlet under it, and gets me a pair of socks before walking over to me. "Here, wear these. They make you look nice and cute. I'll go get your white chucks."

"You are so friendship goals right now." I grin widely.

He pops his collar with a smug smirk and turns me around slapping my ass harshly before running out my door before I can hit him back.

The Proposition. ~Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now