Chapter 20.

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Just love Isaac soo much 😍 my British babe in the photo💕

Justin's POV:

I sit down and strum my guitar in front of the Avon theatre like I've been doing since I was a kid. I was a regular here so I was no stranger to the owner or the by passing customers. The owner actually really loved me because he thinks I bring in customers. It worked out in both our favours, I sing and bring him customers and he gives me free food. Instead of working for money, I'm working for food, what could be better?

"Hey, Justin." Andy sits next to me with a friendly smile.

"Hey, Andy." I grin at him and stop to tune my guitar. I've had this guitar all my life and it'll always be my priceless baby.

"I have something that I think will make you very happy." He nudges me with shit eating grin.

"What?" I chuckle, nudging him back.

"Well you know those videos of you singing at the front of my cafe and the ones your mum's posted of you singing online when you were a bit younger?" He licks his lips and takes out his phone.

"Yeah." I bite my lip and nod my head. "What about them?"

"Well one of those viewers is a very important businessman in the entertainment industry and he called up asking for my singer here at the cafe." He chuckles. "I went along with it and now he's asking if he can fly out from Los Angeles to hear you sing in person."

My breath gets knocked out of me and I feel like I'm holding my breath for a while after that. I blink my eyes slowly as my body function seems to numb at the news I've unexpectedly received. I gulp thickly and breathe out loudly, "do not fuck with me."

"What?" He laughs, clutching his stomach.

"Sorry," I shake my head, "I mean please do not be screwing with me right now about this. You know I take my music very seriously-"

"Yes, because the last couple of years of you singing in front of my cafe/restaurant I was dead and blind to the attention." He rolls his eyes sassily. "I'm no idiot, nor am I that cruel to fool you to believe something like that. It's one hundred percent real, kid."

"Oh my God." I take a deep breath as my heart beat is heard in my ears and the guitar slips from my hands to lay beside me. My body remains rigid as my eyes water from not being able to blink. All indicators of shock.

"So what do you say, kid?" He chuckles.

"Say to what?" I gulp, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Can you go up on the set up stage in there and do like a little talent show for him to win him over?" He grins and ruffles my hair.

"Oh my God, yes! A million times yes like I'd do anything-"

"Chill, kid!" He laughs loudly. "I'm not the one you need to convince or impress. He's got the hook up for you, so save all that pleading and winning over for him."

"I'm trying so hard to be manly and hold in squealing like a little bloody girl!" I laugh like a manic and he watches me amusedly. "My mum is going to freak! She going to be so g'd."

"She's practically your manager so yeah, I could imagine. She's got your talent out there with her YouTube page."

I nod and suddenly something occurs to me. "When is it?"

"It's very sudden but he's very busy so he's asking if this weekend is alright so you've got Monday which is today until Saturday. It's enough, right?"

"Yes," I breath and close my eyes, trying to calm myself, "I can't wait to tell Izz-"

I frown and stop shortly as realisation hits me. I can't do that. She's not my go to anymore and it's about time I remind myself that. She's not my best mate anymore and she's no longer a valuable person to me. She got Jason to occupy all that for her and I've got my girl Brooke. It's better this way. It has to be. I'm done with that girl and I will be for good. My thoughts were becoming unsafe and confusing around her and I don't have time for that, I need to focus on myself and my family too.

The Proposition. ~Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now