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5000 years ago a meteor hit the earth. Everyone prepared for the end, but it never came.

The meteor had weird energy flowing through out it and the energy seeped through the earth, all the way to the core.

A shockwave rang from the Earth's core.

Earth's biggest earthquake shook the ground and a weird noise hit everyone's ears. Knocking them down to the ground.

This day came to be known as C Day, the day that changed humanity as we knew it,

The entire situation is one giant puzzle.

Somehow no one had died, even those that got hit by rubble from the billions of buildings that broke apart during the quake. Or the many amounts of people in water who should have drowned.

Everyone woke up in the positions where our bodies had fallen, some having to push through rubble to be free, or swim up from the bottoms of the new ocean.

Life as we knew it was over, but not in the way we originally thought.

As we all woke up we discovered that most weren't human anymore.

Vampires, witches and warlocks, mermaids, and shifters of a different variety of predators including dragons. Very few remained human

Than we discovered the earths surface had changed. Two continents, one extremely large, the other smaller. One giant ocean surrounding them.

Everyone started fighting over the land. Banding together in their types of creatures.

Except the mermaids. They kept to their ocean even though they could come onto land. They didn't want anything to do with the land creatures squabbles.

Than a fox shifter, Johnathon Fern,  had an idea. Why doesn't each supernatural being pick their strongest and smartest warrior to lead their kind. 

After a lot of convincing the other creatures finally agreed and a meeting was held.

A leader from every type of shifter and other creatures sat down. Talking about how to divide up the land fairly.

The newly appointed King Johnathon of the fox shifters had another idea.

Vampires and dragons on the smaller continent, with most of the witch covens. Most of the mountains are on that one, and dragons like mountains.

The larger continent for the shifters, there were more of them after all. With a few witch covens.

Magic could be handy for both sides to have.

Humans can go wherever. They tend to hide from us anyways. 

Everyone agreed. The twin dragon leaders and vampire split up to have a private meeting.

All the shifter leaders had their own meeting.

The king representing all witches and warlocks magics his second in command into the room.

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