Chapter Sixteen

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I sigh as I step into my office. I really didn't like leaving Cleo's side but there had been sightings of my uncle in the the Tiger kingdom.

So I'd called up King Taylor and asked him if we could meet.

I walk around my desk, sitting down as I take in the King and his second in command sitting in the chairs in front of me.

"We're just waiting for one other person." I tell the felines as I turn my face to the door attached to the house.

I listen to the quiet steps the male fox makes as he moves down the hallway and steps through the door.

Caleb makes sure to close it soundly behind him before leaning against the frame, arms crossed.

I've become to notice that whenever it came to his sisters safety Caleb got stand offish.

"Ok now that we are all here let us begin with introductions. King Taylor this is Caleb Fern of the foxes. Caleb this is King Taylor of the tigers." I don't introduce the second in the command to the King as I don't know his name.

King Taylor stands up, holding a hand out for Caleb to shake. "It's nice to meet you, this is my second in command, Brad."

Caleb reaches out to shake the offered hand.

"You don't smell like a fox." The second in command, I guess Brad, states as his king sits back down.

"That would be because it's hidden."

"He's the brother to my Luna." I interject.

"So that's how the Fern children have managed to hide this long." King Taylor taps his chin in thought.

"I called you here because I took Royal Alpha from my uncle, he cheated in the fight and is now on the run. I've gotten some intel he was spotted on your land."

King Taylor leans back in his chair. "I've heard the same rumours. All the leaders know you took his place, I know most of us have said they support your choice to outlaw fox hunting in your kingdom. Most of us have followed suit."

I nod my head, knowing he speaks the truth. While we haven't had a chance to call a meeting of all the shifter leaders, we'd be in contact with some of them for one on one meetings.

"I'd like to send an army into your territory, attempt to track down my uncle so he can be brought to justice." I ask the King.

He nods his head. "Yes Royal Alpha Landon, I have no problems with that. In fact I will arrange to have some of my men join yours."

Solis bristles in the back of my mind. 'What if there are traitors in his kingdom too.'

Solis had a point.

"What if you have traitors among your men as well?" I ask the cat shifters. I still wasn't even sure I'd found all the ones in my pack.

Both felines look at each other, clearing speaking in their minds so as not to be overheard.

"We have our ways of finding out. Don't worry any men I send with your men will be triple checked."

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