Chapter 2 - Shop Till You Drop

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We pulled into the parking lot of the mall and quickly found a spot. "You ready sweetie?" Spencer asked our daughter.

"Yeah!" She sang, kicking in her booster seat.

Spencer and I both laughed and got out of the car. I opened the door and she was already unbuckled and sitting in the seat next to her booster. "Let's go." I said, holding my hand out for hers.

She grabbed my hand and I wrapped my arm around Spencer's waist, who was standing right behind me. We went to the food court where Jennifer and Will said they would meet us. Mackenzie spotted Henry first and dropped my hand, running after him as he ran for her. "Mackenzie!" I yelled, not knowing she had found them.

She and Henry reached each other and hugged. I relaxed slightly when Jennifer and Will appeared behind Henry just as quick as Spencer and I did. Will bent down and held both of their hands. "You guys can't just run off like that ok? There are bad people in this world that may want to take you away from us." Will said, trying to not scare them, but teach them as well.

I picked up Mackenzie and hugged her tight. "You just scared us, is all." I said, and I felt a few tears hit my shirt. I pulled her to look at me, " You're not in trouble Mack. Just make sure we know where you are running off to next time, ok?" She wiped her tears and nodded. "That's my girl." I smiled.

Henry tugged at my jacket, "Can we go to the playground now, Aunt Clarity?" He asked.

We all laughed and headed toward the new playground. It was huge. There was a big slide, a doll station, swing set. The perfect little set up to give the kids a break from having to go shopping.

"There is something really cool I want to show J.J. in the third floor, you ok to stay here with Will for a while so I can show her?" Spencer asked. He looked like he was started to get nervous about something but I quickly dismissed it.

"Of course." I smiled.

He leaned down and softly placed his lips on mine. "I love you." He whispered just as he pulled away.

"I love you too." I smiled. I waited until they were out of earshot to turn to Will. "What do you think he is showing her?" I asked.

"Maybe something about the Redskins in the sports store. He knows she loves them and about four years ago, he took her to a game with tickets Gideon have giving him for his birthday." Will said, not meeting my eyes.

There was something up with the three of them and I knew it. I just didn't know what it was. Will and I watch Henry push Mack on the swing. I pulled out my phone and snapped a few pictures of it. It was to cute.

To think just two years ago, Spencer and I adopted her. I welled up at the thought at her turning five next year. "Time sure flies, doesn't it?" I said.

"No kidding. Just yesterday, Henry was saying his first words and just starting to crawl. Now look at him." Will added.

My phone beeped and I pulled it out of my jacket pocket. I smiled with it said Spencer. It was a picture message. Well I guess Will was right. The picture was of both of them in the sport store on the top level, wearing Redskins hats, shirts, and holding a football. "Will, look." I laughed, showing him the picture.

"Those two are so crazy." He laughed.

I looked at my phone and noticed Spencer and J.J. had been gone for almost and hour and a half. "We're back." They said in unison.

"I was just checking my phone. What took you guys so long?" I asked.

"We got caught up in having a little to much fun." J.J. said smiling at Spencer.

He smiled back then looked at me, that's when I noticed a lipstick kiss mark on his cheek. He could barley look me in the eyes. It broke my heart when the thought of something going on behind my back. What if J.J. and him where hooking up? Poor Will. They had just gotten married, what would he say?

"I think I need some air." I said, pushing back them, walking toward the exit.

I heard footsteps running after me and a hand grabbed my arm and turned me around. "Clarity, what's wrong? Are you ok?" Spencer asked.

"You left a little evidence behind." I said through gritting teeth.

"What?" He asked, letting go of my arm. He looked hurt, but I was the hurt one.

I pointed to his cheek and he looked in the window of a shop, seeing what I saw. "Clarity, that's J.J.'s lipstick." He said.

"I figured that much. I'm not stupid." I spat.

"It's not what you think. She was just happy that." He said, but I cut him off, not wanting to hear what she was happy about.

"Does Will know what's going in?" I asked.

"Will you stop and let me explain!" He yelled at me.

I stood there in shock and froze. He has never yelled at me before.

"I gave her some really excited news and she kissed my cheek. There is nothing going on between us. I love you and our daughter. No one else." He defended. I let the tears come heavy and he rushed to hug me. "Please don't cry. It's ok." He cooed and brushed my hair behind my ear. He pulled me and kissed my lips. "I love you."

"I love you too." I whispered.

"Is everything ok?" J.J. asked, carrying Mackenzie, Will not far behind with Henry.

"Yeah. Clarity saw your lipstick on my cheek and thought the worst." Spencer said.

"Clarity Michelle Jones. Why would you think I would do that to you? You are my best friend. I would never do that to you. Plus, I am a happily married women. I wouldn't do that." She said. "You have nothing to worry about. No one is taking him away from you."

Well, that cleared that up, but what news was so great that she had to kiss his cheek?

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