Chapter 4 - Testing The Waters

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Spencer and I walked into work, hand in hand as usual. As we stopped and waited for the elevator, he pulled me to him for a quick kiss. "What was that for?" I asked, smiling.

"You know exactly what it's was for, Mrs. Reid." He smirked as the elevator doors opened.

I put a finger to my lips. "Shhh. I don't want to tell them. I want them to figure it out." I said as we stepped into the empty elevator. "Plus, Dr. Reid, you just asked me this morning. You can't call me that yet." I said, smirking to myself.

He let go of my hand and put his arm around my waist, kissing my ear, which made me giggle. "I love that sound." He said as the doors opened.

We walked to the bullpen, just like always. Except, today, I had a spring in my step and a 'wider than usual' smile on my face.

"Good morning you two." Penelope said, standing in front of my desk with a cup of coffee.

"Morning Penny." I said, letting go of Spencer and sitting in my chair. "Is that for me?" I asked, smiling.

Penelope smiled and handed me the cup. "Nice and warm. Just the way I like it." I said, looking at Spencer as I said it. He gave me a wink and sat as his desk, which was right in front of mine.

"Oh my God, Clarity!" Penelope screamed, causing everyone to rush to my desk, except Spencer.

"What? What's wrong?" Derek asked, looking me over.

"Look at her hand." Penelope said, shock still present on her face, which turned to a smile quickly. She turned to Spencer and hugged him.

"Whoa! Pretty Boy got game." Derek smiled, play punching Spencer's arm.

"Hey! Don't hurt my fiancé!" I yelled at him.

Derek put his hands up in defense and smiled. "I'm so happy for you two. Congratulations."He said, pulling me up into a hug.

"What's everyone so happy about?" Emily asked, making her appearance to the group.

Everyone turned to her and Penelope grabbed my hand and put it in front of her to see. "Oh my goodness." She laughed. "Congratulations Clarity!" She said, hugging me. "When did this happen?" She asked.

"This morning at breakfast. Spencer and Mackenzie made us breakfast and he asked and I screamed yes. It was perfect." I said, looking back at Spencer, who was still sitting at his desk.

"Not as perfect as you, my love." He said, blowing me a kiss.

"Sorry to ruin the fun and excitement, but we have a case." Hotch said, coming out of the round table room.

Everyone's smiles dropped as we all grabbed our iPads and rushed to the room.

We all took our seats, and there was only one left when I walked in: next to Reid. I smiled and took my seat next to him. "Alright Garcia, what do we got?" Rossi asked her.

Penelope clicked a button on the remote and five pictures. Four of men and one woman. "This is Brandon Callaway, Nick Carter, Charlie Wright, Tommy Smith, and Cassie Witts." She said, clicking the button again, five more pictures appeared. "They were missing at the exact same time, and for a week exactly, then found in a park, posed on one of the playground toys."

"So why are they calling us in?" J.J. asked

"Each of the victims had a name tag on it." Hotch said, queuing Penelope to click the button again. "They had Hotch, Rossi, Morgan, Reid, and Jones on the name tags."

"Why was Clarity the only female's name on there? Do you think it is something significant?" Emily questioned.

"We don't know. That's why they are calling us in. They think it is possibly a call out. Clarity, I am almost tempted to not let you go. It could be very dangerous for you. I just don't want to leave you here, unprotected. So, just make sure you have your gun and someone by your side at all times." Hotch said, sternly.

"Another protection detail?" I whinned. I hated it because it put someone else at risk if something happened to me. I turned to Reid and looked at him, he was not going to be happy with what I was about to say. "Hotch, I don't want to be put with Reid. If something happens to me, I want to make sure Mackenzie has at least one of us." I said.

"Wait, what! Are you serious? Hotch, you're not going to actually listen to that are you?" Spencer yelled.

"She has a point. I would do the same thing if I were in her shoes. But, it's not up to you Clarity. Everyone will switch shifts when we are not at the hotel." Hotch said, looking apologetic in my direction. Was that really for me, or for Spencer?

Spencer turned to me and grabbed my hand, "I can't believe we're are at this again." He laughed nervously. "This can't be about you. Not again."

"We won't let it get that far, this time." Hotch stated. "I'll make sure of that."

Stronger in the Storm (Sequel to We Found Love In A Darker Place)Where stories live. Discover now