Chapter 8 - Ask Yourself The Same Thing

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"Well, this is the place." Derek said, pointing to the big building in front of us.

"Wow. This place had to of just been built. It looks brand new." I said, shutting the door of the SUV, as I got out.

"Yes. The building use to be only three stories high. It was torn down and rebuilt, they just finished last year. Up until construnction workers finished, the lawyers had been working out of a rental building on east main" Spencer said, appearing by my side as soon as my door was shut.

"Do you really know everything?" Derek asked, smiling.

"Yes, pretty much." Spencer smiled, looking my direction. "So we are going in to just see if he is here. Nothing to serious. We don't want to scare him away."

"Don't worry, we got this. But I think we should let Baby Girl do the talking." Derek said, as we started walking toward the builidng.

"What? W-Why does she have to do the talking? Why can't you?" Spencer studdered, pulling me closer to his side.

"If he thinks he has power over me, I might be able to get a little more out of him than he can, Spence." I reassured him, pulling him into a kiss. I pulled away and walked ahead of the guys.

"Spencer, we should stay out here." Derek said before we entered the large building.

"But I." Spencer started. I put a finger to his lips. He closed his eyes and I let my fingers go to the side of his cheek. He grabbed my hand and his eyes shot open. They were filled with something so strong, it nearly knocked me over.

"When I have been in there 15 minutes, I want you both to charge in and demand what I was doing alone. This will play into his need for power. We might get a spark out of him." I said, pulling my hand away from him and turning to walk into the building.

I walked straight up to the lady at the front desk. "Is Mr. McConnell in?" I ask her.

She was quiet beautiful, but her eyes said she knew something she shouldn't, but tried to hide it under a smile. "Yes, ma'am. May I ask what this is concerning?" She asked.

"I just needed to get a few legal questions answered." I said, smiling back at her. I looked closer at her and it looked like she had brusies on her neck. I winced at the sight.

She picked up the phone and said "Mr. McConnell, you have a visitor." There was a pause and I could tell he was saying something. "Ok, I'll send her right up." She said and hung up the phone. "Go to the elevator, 10th floor. As soon as you step off, take a right. He will be waiting for you." She said, still smiling.

"Thank you." I said. I grabbed one of my cards out of my clutch and handed it to her. "If you ever need me, call me." I said, rubbing my neck to hint to her what I meant.

A tear formed in her eye and she smiled wider. "Thank you!" She said.

I nodded before turning and getting onto the elevator. "Well that wasted a good four minutes." I mumbled under my breathe. I would need to rush to get any information out of Victor. The elevator dinged and the doors opened.

My eyes met the darkest pair of brown eyes I had ever seen. "I was told a beautiful women with hair like fire was coming to see me. I am guessing by your beauty, you are who I was expecting. I'm Victor McConnell, you are?" He said, holding out his hand for mine.

"SSA Jones, Clarity Jones." I said, putting my hand in his. 

He brought my hand to his lips and said "Pleasure to meet you, Ms. Jones.." He said, kisisng my hand. "Let's continue this conversation in my office." He said, pulling me along with him to his office.

I noticed we were still holding hands when he opened the door. I tried to pull away, but he had a tight grip on me. "Would you like something to drink?" he asked, finally letting go of my hand.

"Coffee, please." I smiled, sitting in the chair in front of his desk.

"Any sugar or creamer?" He asked, picking up his phone.

"Three table spoons of sugar, and yes on the creamer too." I smiled.

"Amy?" He said into the phone. "Two coffees. Mine as usual, the other with three table spoons sugar and creamer. Thanks." then he hung up the phone. "So, might I ask with the FBI is doing at my father's law firm?" He said, sitting on the edge of his desk, right in front of me.

"Well, six people were killed. All six were taken from around this area. We were wondering if maybe you had seen anything strange in or around your business. Any little detail will help." I said, batting my prefectly fixed eyelashes.

"Well, I actually just got back into town this morning. I was in Brazil with my wife. We were on our honeymoon. You'll have to ask my father. He was the only one here, besides our secretaries and the other workers. He was the only high authority figure. He reigns this place like a king, just like he should. If anything was amiss, he would know about it. I wish I could tell you more." He said, lifting my chin up to meet his eyes. "Look me in the eyes when I talk to you. It's disrepectful not to." He said with a stern, yet soft voice.

"What the hell are you doing?" Derek yelled, bursting in the door.

"I went out on my own. It's not a big deal, Derek!" I yelled back.

"What is going on?" Victor asked, stepping beside me.

"Ms. Jones left on her own and came here by herself. She was under direct orders from me to not be alone." He said, looking Victor directly in the eyes, trying to get a read on him.

"She wasn't alone. She was with me." Victor said. There was a knock at the door and he turned his attention to the door. "Come in." He said, demanded.

"Here are the coffees you asked for sir." Amy said, handing Victor his coffee his and me mine.

"Thank you, Amy. That will be all." Victor said, cueing her to leave the room. She nodded and shut the door behind her.

"Gentlemen, I think you should leave. Ms. Jones and I were having a conversation. She shall be punished for her bad behavior later." Victor demanded, meeting Spencer's eyes.

"She is my fiance. If she wants to keep that title, she will leave now." Spencer spoke up.

"Oh. My apologies, sir. I was unaware that Ms. Jones was in a current engagment." Victor said, smirking slightly at me, making me squirm in my chair.

"Really? The ring on her finger didn't give you a hint at all?" Derek said, putting in.

"I don't believe I was talking to you, sir. I was talking to him." Victor said, guesuring to Spencer.

"I can see that my presents has caused an issue. I'm sorry for wasting your time, Mr. McConnell. Thank you for the coffee." I smiled, standing up an shaking his hand. I turned on my heel and walked past both Spener and Derek, heading toward the elevator.

I could slightly heard Victor say something along the lines of "They are a handful aren't they?" I slightly laughed at this thought. I was hardly a problem at all, let alone a handful.

I pushed the button for the elevator and Spencer and Derek appeared on either side of me. "That was intresting to say the least, don't you think?" I asked, as the elevator opened. I took a drink of the coffee Amy had brought me, and afterwards, I felt very sleeply, everything had gone white and it felt like I was falling.

The last thing I remember was Derek yelling "Clarity! Clarity wake up!"

Stronger in the Storm (Sequel to We Found Love In A Darker Place)Where stories live. Discover now