Chapter 5 - Tea and Coffee

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"Do you want anything to drink while I'm up, Clarity?" Spencer asked me.

"Tea please." I said, curling up in my chair. He nodded and grabbed the tea pot off of the warmer.

"Here you go, honey." Spencer said, taking his seat next to me. I smiled and nodded, taking the cup and turning my head back to the window. "You ok? I thought you weren't afraid of heights?" He asked, knowing well that I wasn't scared.

"I just feel bad leaving Mackenzie behind. I know there was no way to even bring her, but Seattle is a long way from Quantico. I just hope her and Henry aren't driving Will crazy by now." I said, smiling at Jennifer.

"He is really good with them, I think we're safe." She said with a small laugh. I knew Will would take good care of my baby girl.

"So, why do you seem so frazzled, besides that?" Spencer asked me, taking my hand in his.

"Just wondering, probably to much." I said, smiling at him.

"Wondering about what?" He asked, persistent on getting the truth out of me.

"When did you want to get married? No rush or anything, I just wanted to know if you had a date picked out. My mom is driving me crazy about wanting to start planning and." I said, babbling on, but was stopped when he put a finger to my lips.

"Honestly, I would like it to be rather soon. I know it takes a while to get a dress and have it altered, so we can get the dress and start planned around when it should be finished. If it takes a few months, I'm ok with that." His words gave me relief that I didn't even know I needed.

"Well its November 12th now, if I go shopping for a dress right when we get back, it might not take that long. It might only take a month or so, if even that." I smiled.

"Well, ok then. How about we just set the date for January 26th? That gives us time to tell our friends and family, get the things we need, and have your dress." He stated proudly.

I smiled, he knew that that day was special to me. "Are you serious? That would be amazing!" I gushed. "That will mark three years of us knowing each other." I said.

"I know. I thought we should have a special day for our special day." He said, leaning forward to kiss me.

"What are you two talking about?" Derek asked, walking over and sitting in the chair in front of us.

"We have decided a date for the wedding." Spencer said, smirking at Derek.

"Hey, good for you!" Derek said, actually appearing happy. He usually gave us hell about being together and played around, acting like he would take me away, which would not happen. I loved Spencer. "When?" He asked.

"January 26th." We said in unison.

"What's January 26th?" Emily asked, overhearing our conversation as well.

"The date they set for the wedding." J.J. said, without looking up from case files.

"Awesome!" Rossi said, still looking at his computer screen.

We all turned and looked at him, that's when we all noticed he had headphones in and must have been watching a tv show or something. He pulled his headphones down and said, "What?" Which caused all of us to burst into laughter.

"Nothing Rossi."I said, smiling. I turned back to Spencer and quickly kissed his lips. "I can't wait!" I said.

"Alright guys, we're here." Hotch said, making us all look out the window. You could see the space needle and everything from this high up. Usually it would be a joy to come to Seattle and just visit. But not this time.

Stronger in the Storm (Sequel to We Found Love In A Darker Place)Where stories live. Discover now