Chapter 3: Find him.

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We need to find him, I need my children home and safe with me.

xxx Drive xxx

I went straight to the ice-cream parlour, the one where we normally go.

I looked around every table, they were no where in sight. I hit a dead end but I suppose Violetta and Ramallo are still yet to phone and tell me if they have spotted them.

I left the ice cream parlour and found a bench to sit on. I pulled my purse from out of my bag and looked at the photo in it. Still I have the photo of us all in France..I felt like crying but I couldn't and I don't even know why. I was more overwhelmed at the prospect of German taking Ben and Emma away from me...that's when it hit me. That is exactly what I was going to do by moving to Spain. I was taking them away from German....

I decided to ring Ramallo and see if he had any news...;

"Hello Ramallo".

"Hello Miss Angie".

"Have you found them?".

He sighed... "I'm sorry Angie but I haven't..i've checked all the parks that have football pitches and i've checked the stadium...there is no sign of them".

"Okay Ramallo, thanks for looking anyway".

"No problem at all Angie, i'll drive around and see if I can spot them".

"Thanks again Ramallo, see you later".

"See you later Angie".

I stared at the picture again...then my phone began to ring...

It was Violetta...I accepted the call straight away.


"VILU, Wh-". She interrupted me.

"I've found him! I've found them all!".


"Where do you think? Not at the soft-play centre that's for sure".

I knew straight away...

"I'm coming now Vilu, don't loose them".

I quickly hung up and went straight to my car.


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