Chapter 19: Happy

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I felt happy..very very happy! He admitted his feelings when I was to scared to admit mine for him. Even though I was happy, I was overcome with emotion. After months and months of being apart, thinking we would end up divorced..we are together again...but we haven't told anyone..we have kept it quiet. It's been 3 days since it all happened. Somehow, I was well again..I had my strength back, I was no longer weak.

German and I have planned to get everyone over to the house..partly to celebrate Ben's 8th birthday and to tell them about German and I.. So, tonight over to celebrate will be Ben, Emma, Violetta, Olga, Ramallo, German, My Mother and I. After all, German and I have planned Ben a proper party which will happen next week but for now...i'm sure Ben will be happy with all his family spending time together.

Anyway i'm on my way to pick them up from school.

xxx Drive to the school xxx

I parked up and rang German;


"Hey Angie".

"Is everything set..i'm at the school now so we will be right over in about 15 minutes. Has anyone suspected anything?".

"I've got Olga to make a buffet dinner, filled with all of Ben's favorite foods. Violetta has been asking questions..your Mother has  just arrived. She's with Vilu upstairs. Strangely..Olga doesn't suspect a thing..she just thinks everyone is coming over for Ben's birthday".

"That's great! Everything is they way it should be. I can't wait to see you. I've missed you".

"I've missed you two, keeping all of this a secret is so hard. All I want to do is cuddle and kiss you".

"Well my can have all of that when everything is out in the open but for now i've got to go. Our children will be waiting".

"Okay Angie, I love you".

"I love you two, See you soon".

With that the phone call ended..

I got out of the car and walked to the gates..I immediately saw Emma she ran straight towards me and hugged me.

"Hey sweetie, where's your brother?".

"He's over there Mummy".

Emma and I turned to see Ben chasing a girl around the playground. It's the girl he's got a crush on. I looked to straight to Emma and at the same time we said.

"Go Ben".

Then I shouted him..

"Ben! Come on, we've got to go".

Then I saw him nod my way, then he turned to  face the girl...he planted a little kiss on her cheek. Then he ran towards me.

I folded my arms and gave him a little smirk...

"Well, is she your girlfriend then Ben".

Emma started to laugh..


"Come on you two. We are going round your Father's for celebrate your birthday Ben".

They nodded and took hold of my hands..we walked to the car and we were on our way to the house..

xxx Drive to the house xxx

I parked the car up against the side of the curb and got out. I got Emma from out of the back seat. Ben got out as he was sat in the front.

They both ran out and opened the front door..

"Daddy!!" Emma screamed..she jumped in to his arms. Ben clung to his leg...I gave German a smile as I walked passed him. I was greeted by Vilu and my Mother.

"Hey Angie!".

"Hey Vilu!".

"Angie, fancy singing a song for Ben. I was thinking we all could sing 'hoy somos mas'. It's a very up-beat song and it would be lovely if we all sung together".

"Yeah, your right Vilu. Let's do it".

"Mum, Olga, Ramallo, German, Ben and Emma come on. Gather round the piano".

They all gathered round Vilu, we all started to sing....

xxx 2 hours later xxx

We were all sat round the dining table. Ben opened his presents he got from Vilu, Olga, Ramallo and My Mother.

I could see from across the table German, was staring over in my direction. I smiled at him on several occasions..but I stopped when I saw Vilu. She looked a little suspicious...

Then Ben piped up..

"Mum, Dad..thank you for arranging this. Thank you for coming Grandma, Vilu, Auntie Olga and Uncle Ramallo".

Everyone smiled..

German stood up...

"I would like to say I hope you have had a lovely birthday son. Your Mother and I love you very we love all of you. Angie and I have something to tell you".

Vilu looked at Emma and Ben..all of them were confused including Ramallo and Olga. Apart from Angelica..she knew what was coming. Now that explained the grin across her face..

"Angie and I thought we should tell you that we are back together and we are very happy".

I stood up, walked round to where German was stood and I grabbed his hand.

I could see Emma, Ben and Vilu with massive smiles across their faces. My Mother was grinning, Olga was crying in to Ramallo's shirt.

"Yey Mummy and Daddy!!". Shouted Emma.

"Well it's about time!" I heard my Mother shout.

"I just knew it...Dad, Angie. I'm so happy for you!".

"Thank you Vilu, we are both so happy too. I'm over the moon".

German kissed my cheek.

I broke out in did Emma in fact....

German did exactly what Ben did to the girl in the playground.

I turned to Emma...

"Father like son..".


Last chapter i'll post tomorrow! Thank you for reading!:-D

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