Chapter 9: Time.

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"Our future...he loves me..he loves me still!?".

"Yeah, of course I still love you Angie".

I didn't realize that I said that out loud...

Then suddenly German took me in his arms and hugged me tightly..I was shocked and confused...

"German, what are you doing?".

"Angie, you don't understand how much I crave your be near you. I miss you".

I was shocked still...I craved his touch for so long...and now he craves mine?....

"German, I miss you too but there's so much going on...I can't think about this at the moment".

"But Angie".

"But nothing, have you forgotten already? Only 2 hours ago you ran off with Ben and Emma. I was all set to leave for Spain with them. Also I'm 8 months pregnant...did you forget about that".

"No Angie, I didn't forget. I care about you all..I care about the little girl you are carrying. My Daughter".

"I need time German. Can you give me that?".

"How much time?".

"I don't know..just think. I'm due to give birth in one months time".

"You will let me be there right?".

"Of course I will..but just give me time. Please?".

"Okay Angie, but you need to know. I'll be waiting for you. One important thing you need to know also..".


"I'lll never be happy with anyone else as long as you walk the earth".


Hi guys!

You need to know:

- This book has 11 chapters left.

- After this book is finished i'll take a break for a while...then i'll release "England to Argentina- Germangie" and "Picking up the pieces- Dielari". They will be my last books on wattpad.

Thanks for reading:)

Germangie- Divorce or..? Book 2Where stories live. Discover now