Chapter 13: Cot and Car seat picking

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We were inside Mamas and Papas..I could see so many couples walking round the shop holding hands. I saw a couple of Father's to be.. not interested in anything their partners were looking at. Not like German at all, he was interested in everything. He looked so happy looking at all the babies stuff. That made me smile. Even's his fourth child..he's still excited.

Then I snapped back in to reality..

"Angie"...I heard German shout..

He had found the cot section. I was blown away by how many different designs their was..

"Oohh I like this one Angie" It's got padding around the sides. It's a lovely white color with little pink flowers on the wood. What do you think?".

"I like it too. Let's get this one".

" question Angie..".


"Do we need two, like one for your Mother's and one for..?".

He held his breath awaiting my answer..I tried to reassure him with a smile.

"No German, I think we won't need two..things are going okay between us..acting as co-parents, friends..let's just see how things go. I do still love you. That love will never end..It won't because I was once told by someone..that we are soul-mates and that we belong together".

"We do belong together and I still love you two".

"Well that's good to know, i'm glad"..

Again..we both smiled at each-other..I miss him a lot..

"Now come on..we've yet to pick a car seat".

He nodded and off we went..he grabbed my hand and held it tight.

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