Chapter Eight

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I stormed out of my office after an autocratic Mr. Waters. "Why are you so persistant on breaking me down?" I asked angrily. "There's nothing to break down. I don't have any feelings for you other than annoyance."

He turned around and his lips curled. I waited for his reply but he pivoted in the other direction and walked into his office. I rolled my eyes in annoyance at him overlooking what I had said. I indignantly followed him into his office. "Are you just going to ignore me?"

He stood by his desk, facing me but not answering my question. Promptly, he approached the door and shut it, then turned his broad figure to face me. I froze, unable to process what was happening. He slowly neared me. Five feet... three feet... one... 

Suddenly, he pushed me against the wall, unfairly using his tall build as an advantage. I gasped as a result of the impact.

"Are you going to answer my question?" I inquired.

He placed one of his hands on the curve of my waist. Electricity shot through my body. He took a step closer so his hips pinned me to the wall. I gasped.

For the first time, I noticed a small scar, barely noticeable to the human eye, on the side of his forehead. I wondered how he got it. A fight? An accident? I longed to know.

And in that moment of vulnerability, his lips landed on mine. They had a soft, sensual touch, I closed my eyes unwittingly in pleasure. He delightfully smelled of cologne and aftershave. I immediately craved more, more of this man who obviously wanted me. I moaned into his wonderfully structured mouth, allowing him entry into mine. 

My hand curiously ran down his chest to the edge of his dress shirt. I could feel the sturdiness of his abs through his shirt, and I clasped the soft fabric into a fist. His tongue inquisitively toured my mouth, coming in contact with every crevice. I let out another involunatry moan.

Instantaneously, he pulled away. My lips were left yearning for his touch. My eyes fluttered open and were welcomed by a smirking Nicholas Waters. "So there's nothing to break down, huh?"


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