Chapter Three

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Honestly, I hate this job. I hate the people who work here, I hate getting coffee for my boss every morning, I hate the long hours, I hate the business trips, and so on. But the one thing I don't hate is the pay. Waters Inc pays pretty well, and when Mr. Waters, my boss, denies me my pay until I agree to help him with his boner... I get pretty pissed off.

"Tulip. Come to my office." Mr. Waters said over the phone.

I walked down the hallway and into his office. He sat at his chair with his infamous smirk on his face. "Come."

I raised one of my eyebrows. "Um- no."

"Why not?" His smirk turned into a fake frown.

"What do you want?" I asked cautiously.


I rolled my eyes and walked closer to his desk. "What?"

"I seem to have a boner." He chuckled.

I looked down at the top of his pants and sure enough he was right. "Wonderful." 

"It is, Tulip." He chuckled. "Can you help me... get rid of it?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

I gave him a look of digust. "No."

"Please?" He shot a puppy dog glare at me.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk away, ignoring him.

"You won't get your paycheck until you help me..." He threatened.

I spun around in anger. "EXCUSE ME? THAT IS ILLEGAL. THAT IS SEXUAL HARASSMENT." I felt my temples grow warm in rage. "YOU CAN'T JUST DENY ME PAY, MR. WATERS..."

"Calm down Tulip, I was just joking," He said, chuckling at my temper tantrum.

I crossed my arms and glared at him. "You're annoying."

"I think you mean... sexy." He corrected. I turned around again and continued to exit the office, ignoring him again. "Hey, you're not dening it." He chuckled from his desk before I slammed the door shut. 


I don't have a lot of friends. I live alone in a 2 bedroom apartment on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. After graduating NYU, my college friends and I lost touch. I've been alone ever since.

It's not that bad, living alone. I don't have to hide food from other people and I can walk around naked without being judged. I have a cat, his name is Kruger. He broke one of his legs when he was a kitten so now he depressingly limps around my apartment. 

I don't have a boyfriend, and as I said I don't have a lot of friends. My family lives in Poughkeepsie, New York, where I grew up. I only visit them on the holidays, so I barely ever see them. I have a younger sister and an older brother. My sister is still in high school and my brother lives in New Jersey with his wife and two kids. My job is basically my life. I go to work at 8:00 in the morning and come home at 7:00 in the evening, sometimes even later.

After I got home from that long, agravating day at work, I threw on some sweatpants and began to watch TV. 

I flipped through the channels for a few moments before I saw my bosses face on a gossip TV show. 

The newscaster's voice buzzed through the speakers of my old television. "Nicholas Waters started his first day as CEO at Waters Incorporated today. Waters was spotted at the Pacha night club on West 46th Street in Manhattan about 30 minutes ago by one of our insiders." A picture was displayed on the tv of Mr. Waters with a tall, skinny blonde. "Looks like his date is Victoria's Secret Angel Candice Swanepoel. And they look pretty close in this picture. Could Candice Swanepoel be Nicholas Water's new love interest?" I rolled my eyes as the show spun off into some strange dramatic music.

Nicholas Waters is incapable of keeping a girl for more than 20 minutes. He doesn't have love interests he has sex interests

My phone suddenly started to buzz. I rummaged through my purse and took out my phone. Unknown Number. I answered curiously. "Hello?"

"Hey Tulip! Where are you?" A familiar voice asked.

I scrunched my forehead in confusion. "Mr. Waters? How do you know my number?"

"I know everything," He said. I heard him chuckle through the phone. "And call me Nick, Tulip."

"Call me Rose," I countered.

"Why would I call you a rose, Tulip?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "Because-" I started.

The TV came off a commercial and the newscaster began to talk again. "Nicholas Waters is this month's cover of Men's Health Magazine. And may I just add that he looks hot." She said as a picture of the magazine cover showed up on the screen.

"Oh, Tulip. Thank you!" Mr. Waters said.

"Shut up. That wasn't me," I spat.

He chuckled. I could just see him smirk through the phone. "Are you watching people talk about me on TV?"

"No, it just happened to be on that channel-" I started.

"Keep making excuses, Tulip. I know that you dream about me,-" He said. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "and it's very flattering. But Tulip, the reason I called is because I was wondering where you were. You're obviously at home."

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I'm at a club, and I am very bored." He sighed. "So I sent a car to pick you up."

"Well I'm sorry you're bored. But I just got home and I'm tired." I played with the fringe on the edge of a pillow.

I heard a women's voice in the background, but I couldn't make out what she said. "Ok, I'm coming." He said, obviously not to me. "Sorry, Tulip, I already sent the car."

"Mr. Waters-"

"Nick," He interupted, correcting me. "I gotta go. See you soon, Tulip. Wear something sexy." He said before hanging up and the line went dead.

My mouth dropped as I took the phone away from my ear. "Wow." 

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