Chapter One

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He came in with that glowing ego. That well known attitude that made girls go absolutely crazy over him. He had a 'I'm too good for all of you' look plastered across his face, making me roll my eyes in annoyance. He wore a black suit with a red tie. I was surprised at his attempt to look professional. All the magazines and gossip TV shows constantly show pictures of him half naked and shirtless; it was comforting to see that he actually wears clothes.

Girls swarmed around him, asking him millions of questions, flirting, trying to let him know that he had free access to inside their pants. The older women at the office shot disappointed glares at him and the girls, but they didn't notice.

I stood outside of my office- which was down the hall from his- holding a stack of papers that he needed to look over. He entered his office and the crowd of girls stopped in their paths at the entry way. I rolled my eyes before walking towards the group of girls.

"Okay girls, get back to work." I said, waving them off. They shot me annoyed glares and began to mumble amongst themselves as they walked away.

I let out a sigh before stepping into my new boss' office. "Hello sir." I greeted with a smile, placing myself in front of his desk.

His fingers were tapping away on his cell phone, his attention invested on the tiny device.

I softly cleared my throat to get his attention. His head jolted upright and his gaze met my eyes. "Who are you?" He asked before smirking and taking a look at my body.

"I'm Rose, your assistant." I replied awkwardly, setting the stack of papers on his desk. "This is some paper work you need to look over and sign-"

He took a look at the pile that was probably about 6 inches high then looked at me in confusion. "Some?" He asked with a sarcastic tone.

I shrugged. "You need to do it by the end of the week or else our entire schedule will be pushed back."

He stood up and leaned his body towards me, arms planted on the surface of the desk. "I'd rather do something else." He smirked, his eyes trailing down my petit form.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, trying to ignore his sexual reference. "And what is that Mr. Waters?"

"I think you have a good idea on what I mean," He said, his right eyebrow lifted and his smirk grew.

"Uh- alright, I better get back to my office. If you need help with anything just give me a call," I said, making my way towards the door.

"If you want me all you have to do is ask," He stated.

My body abruptly spun around. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow as his smirk grew even more- if that was possible.

"I'm alright, Mr. Waters. Thank you for your offer," I said in a cooled tone before turning around and rolling my eyes.

"Anytime," He said, chuckling, as I left the room.


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