Chapter Five

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"Good Morning Rose." A secretary greeted me with a smile as I walked into the building. 

I smiled back and waved. "Good morning!" 

I walked toward the elevator and saw that it was beginning to close. I tried to act professional as I sped walked towards the closing doors. Right when I reached the elevator it was a second away from closing, then a hand interrupted its movement.

I thanked the owner of the hand then let out a sigh of relief as I stepped into the elevator and heard the doors close behind me. I heard a familiar chuckle from the other side of the elevator. I spun around and found myself looking at the only other person in the tiny space, Mr. Waters. 

"Good morning." I greeted. 

He smirked. "Good morning."

The elevator stopped at our floor and the door began to open. I approached the exit when the door suddenly closed in my face. I turned to Mr. Waters and his finger was on the "door close" button.

"We need to get to work." I complained.

He took a step toward me, his tall figure easily towering over my 5 foot 5 inches. "Then let's get started." 

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

Without answering my question, he took another step towards me. I took a step back to distance myself from him, but my back hit the hard, metal wall.

He chuckled as he moved closer. Our eyes met. His face inched closer and closer to mine, and after what seemed like several minutes, our noses touched. I stood there in astonishment, waiting for something to happen, wondering why he was trying to kiss me. I gazed into his eyes to search for an answer, but instead noticing that he had amazing light blue eyes. 

And suddenly, the elevator door opened. "Oops!" A cute college intern who works on the 2nd floor of the building peeped. "I'm sorry!"

Mr. Waters gave me a small wink before turning around and greeting the intern. "Good morning."

"Oh my god! Good morning, Mr. Waters!" An ear to ear grin grew on her face as she stepped inside and pressed the floor number she was going to. 

I stepped away from the wall, still recovering from what just happened. We didn't even kiss and I was still utterly flustered.

"What's your name?" He asked. 

"Hannah," She said enthusiastically.

He smirked and I rolled my eyes at his flirtiness. "Nice to meet you, Hannah." 

She blushed in reaction. The doors opened when we reached the 2nd floor. "Have a nice day Mr. Waters!" She said as she left.

Mr. Waters pressed the button corresponding to our floor, then turned and sauntered himself towards me. "Now where were we?" 

"Mr. Waters." I interrupted.

He stopped in his tracks. "Yes?" 

"I'm your assistant."

"Yes, I know that." He chuckled. "Unless you're an imposter?" He raised an eyebrow as he gasped sarcasitcally.

I rolled my eyes. "You can't try to kiss me."

"Yes I can, Tulip." 

"I'm here to help you get your job done," I stated.

"Don't act like you don't like me being close to you." He smirked as he placed himself in front of me.

I stared at his broad chest for a moment before making eye contact with him. The elevator opened at our floor. I quickly said the first lie that came to my head. "I have a boyfriend." I slipped past his body and out the door.

"That won't keep me away, Tulip." Mr. Waters shouted from behind me. People from all over the office focused their attention on him. "Nothing to see here. Good morning, everyone."

I quickly dashed to my office and closed the door.


"Hello, Ms. Carter. On behave of the Official Business Leaders of America Organization, I would like to inform you that Mr. Waters has been invited to our banquet on Thursday at the Chelsea Piers Sunset Terrace on West 23rd and Hudson River. We'll be emailing you some more information about the event. But we really hope that Mr. Waters will be able to attend."

"Oh that's wonderful! Thank you!" I said, writing down some of the information on a notepad.

"The pleasure is ours. We hope to be hearing from you soon." The man on the other end of the phone said enthusiastically.

"Yes, definately! Thank you!"  I said before the line went dead. 

I hopped up out of my chair and rushed to Mr. Waters' office. 

"Mr. Waters-" I started, noticing that he was making out with a girl who was sitting on his lap at his desk. I turned around to leave before he would notice.

"Tulip?" He asked.

I turned back around regretfully. "Um-" I looked at the girl on his lap, who was glaring at me. "The Business Leaders of America Organization invited you to a banquet. They want to know if you'll be willing to attend."


"Because it's a huge honor to be asked to attend. It means that they respect your company and you as a businessman." I explained.

He shrugged. "Can I bring a date?"

I nodded.

"Cool." He smirked. 

The girl in his lap looked hopeful that she would be his date. But I knew he'd probably bring some big shot super model or actress to the banquet instead of an random girl who works for him. 

"Will that be all?" He asked, waiting for me to leave so he could continue with what he was doing before I walked in.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and nodded. "Oh, yes. Sorry" I said, closing the door as I left the office.


*Author's Note*

I made a new book cover! Do you guys like this one or the old one better? Give me some feedback on it. Thanks!


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