🌸Amane X Yashiro - Part 4🌸

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Someone requested that I should add more and do another chapter. It's surprised me considering the fact that I thought I was trash at this. Yesterday I wrote it up on paper so here is the chapter. I couldn't really think of any ideas but then I thought of how Aoi came to meet Amane. So here you go. I hope you enjoy it.

Hey There! I'm Yashiro Nene. Again. Last week my best friend Aoi came to meet Amane the boy I met on the roof. She seemed to like him but I fell asleep so I'm not really sure what happened after.
(Author POV: There will be a moment of Amane's POV after Yashiro falls asleep since she didn't know what was happening after. She was never told.)

Aoi: Hey Nene-Chan?

Yashiro: Yes Aoi?

Aoi: Can I come to the rooftop today?

Yashiro: Yeah Sure. You might want to bring a blanket. I normally get tired and fall asleep..

Aoi: I've already got one. I kinda figured I would need one.

Yashiro: See you after School then! You might wanna take your shoes off though. You see it's kinda forbidden and Tsuchigomori Sensei's office is close to the Staircase that leads to the roof. We aren't really supposed to be there you see..

Aoi: Ooh.. So like Ninjas? Quiet. Alright. I will be quiet Nene.

Yashiro: Good. I haven't been caught yet luckily. I'm not planning on getting caught.

Aoi: Alright Bye Nene! I'm gonna go to Math class now.

Yashiro: Alright See you!


Yashiro: Are you ready?

Aoi: Yeah. As ready as I'll ever be. And you always attract cute guys so if you like him I probably will too.

Yashiro: I- Anyways C'mon.

Aoi: Alright Nene! My shoes are off. I'm gonna leave them in my locker. Let's go!

Yashiro: I have too. Let's go.

We tiptoed down the corridor up to the staircase then tiptoed over the tape. We got up to the door and I lightly pushed it open. Like I hoped he was there. There was a pillow and fluffy blanket like usual. Me and Aoi walked over and I sat down on the pillow. She placed down her blanket too and sat on it.

Yashiro: Hey Amane! I brought my friend Aoi today because she wanted to meet you and see if the view is as pretty as I said it was. Is that alright?

Amane: Y-Yeah. That's alright..

Aoi then whispered to me. "He's really cute Nene!"

I went over to grab the telescope to look through it. I was about to look through it when Amane tapped my hand lightly. I was confused but he whispered something to me.

"Could you hold my hand.. I'm kind of nervous.."

"Y-Yeah sure. If it'll comfort you"

He slowly intertwined our fingers with a smile on his face and a light blush on his cheeks. His hand was soft.

Aoi: You really weren't lying Nene-Chan. The view is really
Pretty. There's so many stars.

Yashiro: Yeah! There's loads of constellations and you can see the moon! I'm pretty sure it's the best stargazing spot in the school...

Aoi: I'm surprised you never really told me about him. His name's Amane right? It's cute. It fits him.

Yashiro: A-Aoi!

Amane: Hey Yashiro! Come look at this! It's through the telescope.

Yashiro: Alright!

I crawled over a bit to where Amane was to look through the telescope.

Amane: You aren't looking in the right direction. Here.

He placed his hands on mine and turned the telescope to the correct position. Aoi got this evil glint in her eye that told me she was going to tease me tomorrow.

Amane: There. It looks pretty doesn't it!?

Yashiro: Y-Yeah. It's so pretty.

Amane: just like you then.

Yashiro: Pardon? I didn't hear you.

Amane: A-Ah nothing. Doesn't matter.

Yashiro: Alright..

It was confusing how he just decided not to tell me what he said.. I started yawning quite a bit. Amane and Aoi must've realised because Amane passed me a pillow. I held it to my chest hugging it tightly as I fell asleep

Amane POV

Yashiro got really tired and fell asleep. I moved her onto my lap and started to stroke through her hair. She started smiling and her breath started slowing down as she fell asleep.

Aoi: Hey Amane?

Amane: Yeah?

Aoi: Please keep taking care of Yashiro. You see... *Exhales*
Yashiro's dad.. He died but she was told that he went on a business trip. She hasn't seen him for 7 years. One day I told her the truth. She started to get really sad. She just wasn't the same after. Then I told her about this rooftop and the view of the stars. That night she went to see if it was true. The day after when we met in the morning she was happier than she had been for a while. There were stars in her eyes. I asked her why a few days later and she said that the view was really pretty and that she met a boy on the roof that made her heart flutter. That was you I'm sure. You seem to mean a lot to her.

Amane: R-Really? Oh Yashiro... I'm so sorry. I hope I'm enough for you. I'm not perfect but I will try my best to make you happy.

Aoi: Oh... She's shivering. The blanket fell a bit lemme just fix it-

Amane: Hold on.

I moved her lightly and wrapped the blanket around her then cuddled her wrapping her legs around my waist. She wrapped her arms around my hips. She seemed happy. What is this feeling?

Aoi: Aren't you tired?

Amane: Kinda yeah. But keeping Yashiro warm is more important to me.

Aoi: You could just lie down and cuddle her. Then you can sleep and keep her warm. You can borrow my blanket. Yashiro is my closest friend and if borrowing my blanket will help you and make her happy then it's a good cost.

Amane: Thank you so much. I won't forget this.

I lay down slowly holding Yashiro close to me. I put her head on a pillow but she dug her head into my chest instead so I let her stay like that. I placed the blanket over both of us and I fell asleep.

Aoi ended up leaving because she had made Yashiro happy. She also didn't like the feeling of the roof floor.

1088 words wow..

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