three's a crowd, also an orgy (Lucifer x Diavolo x Reader)

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The excitement I have for this is almost palpable-! { Overview: Diavolo and you somehow end up unable to dodge attendance in supplementary classes, and Lucifer is the one teaching them...} [ CW: teacher-student roleplay, whip/switch(a switch is like a shorter, stiffer whip: about a foot long, made of rubber), poly, handcuffs <3 ]

"Young master, with all due respect..." The red-haired prince turned to Barbatos with a confused smile. "What is it, Barbatos? I've decided to spend some time rela-" The butler held up a hand to silence him. "Let me stop you right there, milord, before the guilt stops me from saying anything at all. Lucifer has requested I remind you that you have supplementary classes in 10 minutes." 

Diavolo's smile faltered for a moment, fast enough that one might mistake it for a trick of the eye. "Oh, do I? It's the one he's teaching, right?" Barbatos nodded, "And it should lift your spirits a bit to know that the little exchange student will be attending as well." Spirits effectively lifted, Diavolo clapped his butler on the shoulder before striding back to the school.

In the classroom, class had just let out. You walked out into the hallway with a couple other demons, but a hand on your collar quickly yanked you backwards. Choking out a "see you guyS LATER-", you fell into a chair in the classroom. The door slid shut immediately after you, and you met Lucifer's gaze. 

"You forgot the supplementary classes, huh?" You laughed sheepishly (GET IT?!), shrugging. "Who knows, maybe I was desperately trying to escape." Before he could reply, the door slid open, revealing the beaming Prince of the Devildom. "Hello all, I have arrived."

"...I see. Let me check the roster." Lucifer pulled out a pair of glasses as Diavolo sat in the desk beside yours. You leaned over until your shoulder bumped into his, whispering, "Does he actually need those?" Diavolo whispered back, "All demons have top notch vision, so no." Evidently, you weren't whispering quiet enough as Lucifer looked over his glasses with a stern glare.

"From now on, you will address me as Sir with no familiarity. Our work will be mathem-" His phone buzzed loudly from the desk, and he excused himself with an awkward cough. After accepting the call, he nodded at both of you and slipped out into the hall.

Resigned to the grueling task ahead, you were flipping through the packet when Diavolo grabbed your hand. "Y/n! This is my first time in supplementary classes!" You turned to him, "...Congrats?" His grin grew wider. "Levi said that these classes were made to be ditched."

Matching his grin, you both peeked out the door at the front of the class to see Lucifer leaning against the wall, still talking on the phone. "The door at the back of the class is around a corner from him, so we should have time to get away." Taking a deep breathe, you both confidently strode out the back door, making it all the way down the hallway and around the bend before a familiar voice echoed down the school.

"Y/NNNN!" Of course he blames you. You felt Diavolo grab your hand again, and suddenly you were both booking it down the stairs. Flying down the front corridor, the school entrance came into view and you both cheered. Turning to high five Diavolo, you heard a cough from the doors. Lucifer stood in entryway, looking pissed as hell. (*author snickering*) "Get back to class. Both of you."



Escorted back to the classroom, the tension was thick enough to look good in yoga pants. "S-" Lucifer cut you off with a glare. He turned to the front of the classroom and picked up the switch the teacher used as a pointer. "It seems that the two of you aren't taking this course seriously, correct?" Diavolo discreetly shook his head when you moved to answer, so you sat back in silence. "And as a teacher, I am expected to dole out punishment as... discipline, correct?"

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