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Hallo chat! How is everyone!


User2:morning Glitch!

user3:I'm doing fine I guess.

User4:I don't even know why you have viewers.

User1:Hey glitch?Whats up with the Stream title?

Oh! Yea,About that. I'm about to move so this is a packing stream! I'm moving in with another girl that I hope to do a Q&A with! Ok so chat! I am going to turn my Irish Siri on so she reads out the donations for me while I work!

*about an hour later*

*Sigh*Ok!So we got...Five boxes done and we still have a lot to go!

Space_Bunny05 donated $5!
Hey,I just wanted to say thank you for being my favorite streamer!

Oh! Thank you Space_Bunny05 for the donation! And thank you so much! It's my pleasure of being your favorite streamer!

3rd POV

River laughed proudly at the donation. She was happy that she was able to cheer up people's days with her jokes and weirdness.

*after packing*

"Well everyone!It is, 5 a.m. and I think it's time for some of you to go to sleep. Now let's raid someone, oh! Wilbur is Live guys! Go show him some love! Now it's time to go everyone!Ill see you soon. Love you all! Take care of yourselves!" And with that she ended the stream and closed out of twitch."I know damn well I'm not getting any sleep tonight so I might as well tweet something out..."

(Imagine this is rivers set up)

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(Imagine this is rivers set up)

Leaving soon!Ill miss the memories here!

15,736 likes 6,792 shares

Creepypasta69:We will miss you while you move! <3
Liked by:River,200 other people

(Idk how Twitter works...don't come at me.)

River set her phone down with a smile on her face.'I can't believe I have suck loving fans...'

River's POV

Now what? Im not tired. Perhaps I could go ahead and load everything up in the car and prepare for the two hour drive? Sure, but first I need monster.

3rd POV
She walks into the kitchen grabs her monster and starts to put thing away in the car. The last thing to put away was her PC and minister which she knew she had to be very careful with if she didn't want to break it.

*time skip to during to after the drive*

River steps on the gas and puts the car into brake and turns it off. Looking out the window she sees an apartment building and remembers the apartment number was around the third of fourth floor.Luckily she didn't have to bring much with her. As she went to grab the door handle a million thoughts rushed into her head. What if her new roommate hated her? What if it was a prank? What if she annoys them so quickly they kick her out? What if-
No!She wouldn't let herself think negative thoughts after she came all this way. She needed this and she knew it. She opened the car door and stepped out. The hoodie she was wearing swayed a little bit as she grabbed her things and went inside to the elevator.
She clicked the fourth floor button and the doors closed.She was alone in the small cramped room.No one else was with her. She waited for her stop and when it came she stepped off and went to the number. 505...507....509!The room she needed was 509. She took a shaky breath in and prepared herself as she knocked on the door. And who opened was

596 words

Heyyyy everyone sorry for the cliffhanger! Seeing how this is a book that is tied to my friends I gotta make sure the intro is right.Live you all and stay hydrated!<3

Needs (A Wilbur x Oc story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant