Every cloud has a silver lining

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"What do you mean 'fired'?"

"I'm sorry, Kristoff. You are a good worker and your absence is gonna make a difference, but..."

"Arik, isn't it?"

"He's my son, you have to understand. He has no studies or work."

"And do you think he's the right person for the job?"

"He has to be. I hope in a few months he'll adapt to the pace."

"He's going to get herniated if you suddenly put him to carrying furniture."

"Maybe that would motivate him to study."

"Let me know if that happens."

"I'm really sorry, boy. I'm really thankful for how you've worked for all these years."

"You don't have to. It was just my duty."

"I wish you luck. But don't worry, being resolute as you are, you'll surely find another job in no time."

"Yeah... thanks."

I shook hands with the one who had just become my ex-boss, grabbed my jacket, and left the place where five years of effort and dedication had just been drowned, all at once. The streets were wet from another of the usual July rains that accompany us in Arendelle. A cloudy day that perfectly matched my mood.

"So you're leaving, huh?"

A pat on the back led me to turn to Silje, my only co-worker, well, ex-co-worker, who was waiting for me at the entrance of the store.

"I don't think I have a choice."

"I'll miss you."

"I'm not surprised: who are you going to mess with now?"

"I would try with Arik, but I don't think he would even realize and it's not funny that way..."

"Don't be mean to the poor kid; he's a good guy."

"Are you really saying that after he took your job?"

"I don't think it was his decision."

"Just in case, I won't let him know much about my work."

"C'mon, Arik is not a threat to your work. Do you think him capable of keeping the accounts without ruining his parents?"

"Who's being mean now?"

"It was just a comment."

"What are you going to do from now on?"

"Well, I haven't already had time to think about it, but don't worry, I'll get ahead."

"Take care of yourself, okay?"

"You too. Be good."

"I'll try."

I pat her back on the shoulder and left there with the feeling of uncertainty that losing a constant in your life leaves you. I went to my apartment and, not wanting to think too much about it until I was calmer, I grabbed some snacks from the pantry and turned on the TV. Some silly box to unplug the brain in time of need. The perfect plan.

The first image that I was delighted with, was the absurd bombardment that doesn't stop at the other end of the world. Changing the channel, led me to people starving somewhere else on this sad planet. Third attempt: a factory explosion devastates a whole district in a neighboring country. And fourth, and fifth, and sixth... Murders, hurricanes, accidents...

"Okay! I get it! My life's not so bad! I'm going now to looking for another job!"

At times like this, you often call your family or friends, take it out, take in a little love, joke around a bit, and they help you take the next step. Well, that wasn't my case. The closest thing I had to a family member or friend was Sven: my little personal project. The robotics work that I was making in my spare time, putting to the test what I was learning based on online courses. Sven was just a little owl capable of flying, recording images and audio, and which one day would hoot like a real owl and be covered in a feathery cape for camouflage.

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