You reap what you sow

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I could see with the naked eye the growing tension on Hans's shoulders. He tried to take a step back but bumped into me who, luckily for the situation, was considerably taller and wider than he was.

Feeling cornered, he stood firm and entered the room stopping his steps right in front of Anna.

"How can you be alive?"

"As you can see, it turns out that there was someone who loved me..."

"I am glad you are back," he said in the most artificial tone I had ever heard. "Be welcome to my kingdom."

"You mean to my kingdom."

"I don't remember you ever being crowned, princess."

"And yet, the council agrees with me that the crown belongs to me."

"Treason!" he screamed angrily and with a degree of despair. "Guard!"

"From now on, you are subrogated to the crown, Sir Westergard," reported the council's spokesperson. "We recommend you don't put up resistance."

"In addition, you are accused of an attack against the crown and your trial will be held in the kingdom of Arendelle," Anna added in a cold, threatening tone.

"Never!" exclaimed the recently dispatched king, totally flying off the handle. "If you think you're going to get away with it, you're very wrong!"

He approached the fireplace a bit awkwardly, picked up the poker, and raised his arm ready to unleash it with all his rage at Anna.

As if I were to allow it.

Without thinking much about what I was doing, I stopped the blow with my arm that immediately began to bleed in a mixture of itching and punctures that I do not recommend to anyone.

"Kristoff!!" Anna yelled pulling at me.

"I'm... I'm alright," I half lied trying to keep my composure in the face of a possible second attack.

"So you were in the loop," he said then looking at me. "By chance are you the one who loves her? All right, chimney sweep, I can start with you."

The councilors, far from trying to stop him with their own hands, went out in search of the guard so that they would be the ones to stop Hans, but, before they arrived, he charged us again like a maniac. I closed my eyes, not really knowing how to stop the blow and blocking Anna, who was trying to pass to the front, with my body. However, the blow didn't come.

When I opened my eyes in surprise, the poker remained in the air wrapped in a sharp layer of ice and directed towards Hans's naked neck.

"Try to touch my sister and it will be the last thing you do," a husky although feminine voice threatened from the chamber door.

"Elsa?" Anna said almost crying as she peeked out from under my arm.

"Are you alright?" the rightful queen asked entering the council room.

"We've had better days," I said with an attempt at a chuckle that was failed for the intense pain in my arm.

"Guards, arrest Prince Hans and take him to the dungeons. And for Goodness sake, call the doctor."

The guard that the day before guarded the entrance to the castle, bowed at Elsa and Anna and carried out their orders before the grateful smiles of both.

"So, were you the one who smashed that strange owl on my balcony?" Elsa asked turning to me while Anna looked at us curiously.

"Does it matter?"

"I want to know who to thank for learning to control my power and giving me the courage to return."

"Thank Anna. The key was in her letter."

"My letter?"

Elsa showed Anna a small note and the letter that Anna herself had written and left in the hole.

"What's this?" Anna asked confused.

"Read it and you will understand," Elsa said putting me in a little trouble.

" 'Anna has come back to life and is going to confront the man who wanted to murder you both. She is willing to risk her own life to save you and your kingdom. Are you going to keep hiding?' " Anna read aloud just before staring at me. "This was what you were doing when we left the palace?"

"Uh... what will happen if I say yes?"

"And why didn't you tell me?"

I started to sweat even harder.

"I... What if... she didn't come. I didn't want you to feel less appreciated than you already did... If she came, it'd be a pleasant surprise, and if not... then there would be no extra harm."

Anna crumpled the note in apparent anger, then put it into her pocket. Right after that, she slowly approached me and gave me a sweet kiss on my lips that left her sister, the counselors, and, in general, all the staff present with wide eyes.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"How... How long have you known each other?" Elsa asked rubbing her temples.

"That's an excellent question."

Anna and I looked at each other and laughed. Meanwhile, the cries of "God save Queen Elsa" began to echo through the corridors of the castle.

"Welcome home," Anna said to her sister, extending her arms shyly towards her.

"So do you."

Elsa hugged Anna tightly and they both burst into tears in what seemed like a mixture of joy, guilt, and relief.

No doubt, the future was going to change.

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