People has to have friends even in Hell

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The arrival at the castle of Arendelle took us, including the occasional stop, a couple of full days.

Going through the city was an overwhelming experience. Everything was different and... archaic. It was obvious that that would be what I'd find, but, without a doubt, knowing it's not the same as seeing it. However, just like Anna said a while ago... or ahead? Anyway. The look of the castle from the outside was exactly the same.

The guards at the entrance recognized her instantly and celebrated her return by patting each other on the back. One of them opened the great gate at the entrance just enough to go out to meet her.

"Ma'ame! We thought you were defunct!"

"Well, somehow I've been it."

"Excuse me?"

"Doesn't matter. Inform me, please. How are things in Arendelle?"

The soldier's face suddenly got serious.

"Ma'ame... Your husband Hans is the king of Arendelle now. Your sister was accused of treason after your marriage and... death, but she ran away and we have not heard of her again, so the throne came to belong legitimately to Sir Westergard."

"Right... just what I imagined."

"Oh my goodness! How have I not noticed before?" said the soldier suddenly with apparent embarrassment. "Welcome home, Your Majesty."

"Your what?" we both asked in unison.

"Queen Anna, you are the rightful heir to the throne. It is your wedding vows that made Prince Hans our king."

"But I..."

"You really think you should tell him the truth?" I whispered in her ear inadvertently drawing the soldier's attention to me for the first time.

"Excuse me, I do not have the pleasure of meeting you," he said then, standing firm in front of me.

"He's Kristoff Bjorgman. My... suitor."

'Oh, wow... That's what I am, isn't it?'

"Excuse me, Your Majesty? I must have heard wrong."

I held out my hand to the soldier with a mix between a smile and a grimace.

"You heard perfectly. Kristoff is my suitor and Hans must leave the throne."

"Queen Anna... you are putting me in a bind. Not that any of this is my decision, but... you are not going to be able to take the crown off from a rightful king because you have found another man."

"That's not the thing. Hans is not the rightful king of Arendelle. Our vows were never pronounced, it was all his invention to take over the throne."

"Your Majesty, that is a very serious accusation."

"And it's not the worst I have for him."

"But, what are you talking about?"

"Hans tried to murder my sister and me. From the beginning he was never interested in me: it was all a ruse to become king."

The soldier's gaze widened and his jaw dropped. Afterward, he kept a few seconds of silence, as if reflecting very seriously on the situation.

"We have sworn allegiance to King Hans... if I help you now, I would be betraying my king..."

"An illegitimate one."

"But already declared."

"And, are you going to sacrifice your rightful queen?"

"I... Ma'ame. Don't get me wrong... I'll always be on your side. But my family needs me to get ahead. I can't risk being accused of treason against the crown."

"Alright," said Anna with an understanding smile. "Don't help me, just don't complicate things for me and be loyal to your heart when the moment of truth arrives."

"I will, Ma'ame. I pray you can forgive me."

"There is nothing to forgive. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a kingdom to conquer."

Anna grabbed my hand and walked back to Arendelle until the guard had lost sight of us.

"What do you plan to do now?" I asked intrigued by her determination.

"We are going to sneak into the castle and stay there until the next meeting with the councilors is held, and, there, I will stand before them and uncover his lies. If the councilors side with me, we'll be able to declare his reign null and void."

"And what if they don't?"



A chill ran down my spine just thinking about what could become of Anna.

"And how do you plan to sneak in?"

"Tonight we'll sneak in through the side door, the one that faces the fjord. And, once inside, I'm an expert in not being seen. I've grown up hiding from the staff to steal chocolate."

"Why it doesn't surprise me?"

"Because you know who you're playing with."

"With Cookie Monster."


"Doesn't matter."

I took her face in my hands perhaps with some desperation.

"Anna, I trust you. Tell me we did not come here to let you die at the hands of your own people."

"Now I have a lot to lose. I'm not going to make it that easy for him."

"Great, I wouldn't want to have to die without having another pizza with you."

"There're no pizzas here."

"But I know how to make them homemade," I said crossing my arms arrogantly.



"Marry me!"

"Someday. I am your suitor now, aren't I?"

Anna threw herself into my arms with an extra burst of energy and then we took a walk on the banks of the fjord awaiting the arrival of dusk.

Tomorrow is another dayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang