Speak of the devil...

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At night, what seemed like the biggest madness we had ever embarked on, turned out to be a fun walk around the castle during which she showed me her family's paintings, we got some extra supplies and burning torches for the night courtesy of the castle, and we set up a little camp in the secret passage we hid in on the day of the guided tour.

"Don't worry. It is impossible for Hans to know of this place."

"And how are you going to find out when there is a meeting if we remain here?"

"Kai," a male voice that gave Anna goosebumps was heard on the other side of the wall. "Call a meeting with the council for tomorrow at four. There are several changes that I want to make effective as soon as possible."

"Okay, I take it back," I whispered at the evidence.

"As you order," answered a much more mature and somewhat blue voice.

I watched as Anna clenched her fists and trembled up and down. I hugged her slowly and leaned her against my chest.

"It was him, wasn't it?"

Anna nodded.

"We already have a date, don't we?"

She nodded again.

"How you feel about him?" I asked being the one shaking this time.

"Fury..." she answered at last. "He reminds me of how ridiculous and naive I was. He reminds me of one of the last things he said to me."

"What did he say to you?"

" 'Oh, Anna. If only there was someone out there who loved you...' "

I held her tighter against me and fought not to get out of there and beat that bastard up.

"I realized then. There was no one in this world who loved me enough to save me. Nobody really loved me."

"Your sister loves you."

"Not enough to trust me with her secret."

"You know it was to protect you."

"Or for not risking being rejected for me. She didn't trust me."

"Anna... I don't know if someone loved you enough here, but... there was someone in another time who would have given his life for you. Never forget it. I do love you."

Anna looked up slowly and gave me the most beautiful of smiles.

"I love you, Kristoff. Thank you for not disappearing."

"I told you: always by your side."

I gave her a smile that she eagerly devoured, clinging to my body and clearly determined to go further.

"I won't be the one to refuse, but I don't think this is the most hygienic place for that."

"It isn't," she replied just before taking a breath and plunging back into me.

My appreciation didn't seem to matter in the slightest, and a few seconds later, she was getting rid of all my clothes as her desire-filled gaze fed on the longing emanating from mine. Knowing that I was carrying a shipment of condoms that gave me incredulous looks from the pharmacist just a few days ago, I let myself be carried away by her lust and I also got rid of the clothes that still covered her.

Anna pushed me against the wall and climbed me wildly. I felt her sweet scent, her soft and burning skin in contact with mine, and her legs clinging to my waist as if her life depended on it. I slid my hands down her bare back until I reached her hips and...

"Ow!¡Owowowowow!" she screamed suddenly hanging from my neck.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. Just a little pull on the leg. And it's already over. Keep going."

I laughed as I lost my face in her hair and began to kiss her neck very slowly.

"Do you need me to give you some time?" I said between kisses.

"Oh! Yes! That's perfect! You're the best!" she exclaimed then with all possible dedication, making me totally lost.

"I'm not going to tell you that I'm not glad to hear it, Anna, but... I haven't done anything yet."

"Kristoff, honey. You are so good, but not that good. I mean something else. You just gave me an idea."

Unfortunately, the idea I had given her had nothing to do with what we were doing, and, at about twenty minutes to four in the afternoon the next day, Anna was daubing my clothes, my face, my hands, and my hair with soot.

"Do you know how sexy you look like this?"

"Covered in grime?"

"Someday we have to try this way..."

"Your tastes don't stop surprising me."

"Say what you want, but if you could cover me with soot from top to bottom, surely you would think the same as me."

Anna looked down and then looked up with a mischievous smile.

"It seems you liked my idea."


"But try to relax a little, you cannot present yourself with that like this in front of the king."

"Oh... yeah. Don't worry about it. I'm going to be tense enough so that it gets wholly into me."

We both laughed, still wrapped in the privacy of our peculiar refuge until Anna stood firm and declared that it was time.

Within two minutes, I was trying to follow Anna's instructions to move around the castle and find Hans before he reached the council room. Luckily, before I got lost, an arrogant redhead appeared before me and raised an eyebrow. It was certainly him. The sideburns, the green eyes, the band... I cleared my throat and kept myself as dignified and at the same time inconspicuous as I could.

"King Hans. I regret to inform you that the council meeting will be postponed for a few minutes. There is been a little problem with the fireplace in the council room. But do not worry, we are already on it; it will be fixed in no time."

Hans sighed with apathy.

"Anyway, stay away from me. I don't want you to dirty me: this suit costs more than your life."

'You can't punch a king, Kristoff... Take it easy.'

"I will let you know when everything is ready."

"I will be in my bedroom. By the way, what with those clothes?"


It was obvious that he would notice, but I had nowhere to get service clothes from this time and, according to Anna, much less my size.

"This is the new uniform that you approved the other day while tasting that new wine. Do you remember?"

"Uh... Of course I remember. You can leave."

'I can't believe it worked... Alcohol is always a bad companion.'

"If you'll excuse me."

I bowed awkwardly and walked out of there with mettle on the outside and custard on the inside and stood on the other side of the council room door waiting for Anna's signal.

What was going to be a few minutes, as usual with her, exceeded half an hour. Then, as the sweat began to drag the soot from my forehead, a subtle, musical tap on the door let me know that it was time.

I made my way to Hans's bedroom as best I could, and after giving him notice, I silently accompanied him to the door of the council room.

When he opened, a barrage of angry glances fixed on him while, in the presidential chair, Anna awaited him with a haughty smile.

"Be welcome, King Hans."

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