Desperate situations call for desperate measures

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To my surprise, explaining our story to Elsa was a lot easier than I might have expected. Not only did she believe us without hesitation (things of magical people), she also accepted me in the castle as one more resident and approved me (without being asked) as a suitor for her sister.

The explanations to the rest of the staff were much vaguer and not very detailed. We couldn't let everyone know that we came from the future if we didn't want to alter the story too much, however, both the Arendelle people and all the castle workers accepted me pleasantly.

Elsa was officially declared queen again and calm and sanity returned to the kingdom at last. It turned out that, once her powers were controlled, she was a caring and compassionate queen who tried very hard to do her job well.

Regarding Hans, he was deported to the South Islands and sentenced to do social work until his father considered him redeemed. Little pity it seems to me.

And we, well... we spent as much time together as we could during the day and longed for each other at night. Anna dedicated herself to helping her sister whenever possible, and I dedicated myself to helping the people of the kingdom with her daily chores. I didn't want to be maintained without somehow deserving it. However, the wound on my arm was making sure to complicate that task. Despite having been treated, every day it hurt more and the area felt more swollen. Make an effort with that arm, back then, was mission impossible.

As the days went by, the bad rest that the pain gave me began to take its toll on me and I began to feel weak and feverish and Anna, who has always read me like an open book, realized it as she saw me appear.

"What's going on?"

"Why you ask?"

"You look horrible."

"Wow, and that's what you, who have a good impression of me, say," I joked.

"Kristoff..." she said in a warning tone.

"Don't worry, it's nothing a good nap can't fix."

And despite having come from the future, predicting what was going to happen was not my thing, so a few hours later I was in bed, boiling with fever, while the castle doctor looked me up and down.

"What's with him, doctor?" Anna asked anguished.

"Nothing good, I'm afraid."

A lump camped in my throat when I heard those words, but I hoped it was some kind of passing virus or something like that and I kept listening.

"These kinds of awful wounds... when infected they are... dangerous."

"Wounds?" Anna asked. "You mean the arm one?"

"Yes. It appears that it's infected and the infection is spreading. I will do what I can, but I'm not sure I can save him."

"No!" Anna gasped, putting her hands to her mouth.

'An infection, great. It was the only thing missing from this adventure.'

The doctor came out of my room looking for who knows what and Anna came over and started stroking my cheek while crying silently like someone saying goodbye to a dying man.

"Hey, calm down. Sure a little penicillin can fix it."


"Penicillin. You know, that antibiotic that... oh." And then I realized: I was finished. "That has not yet been invented..."

'I couldn't put antibiotics in the medicine cabinet, no.'

"You... you have a solution for this in the future?"

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