Who cares what people say

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That night Anna received an intensive course on electricity and electrical appliances, telephony, computers, photography, plastics and recycling, gastronomy, politics, means of transport, sports, music, cinema and literature, economics, sewerage systems, and water treatment... I'm sure I forgetting something and surely I had things left to explain. It was crazy. I don't know which of the two ended up more tired.

We went to bed at dawn again and she almost bit me when, at ten in the morning, I knocked on her door to wake her up to go shopping.

"No way!" she growled inside her room.

"Anna, you need clothes."

"I won't need it if I never get out of bed again."

"C'mon," I said trying to hide my laugh. "We can't get used to this pace, we have to start living during the day."

"Gimme just two more hours..."

"Breakfast is on the table. If you haven't left the room in half an hour, I'll eat your portion."

"Are you kidding me?!"

"No kidding. I have to make up for the lack of sleep in some way."

"Okay, okay! I'm up now! Don't even think about touching it or you'll have to face the princess of Arendelle!"

Anna abruptly opened her bedroom door and I found myself face to face with a ramshackle, hungry beast ready to protect her breakfast at all costs. A laugh escaped my throat causing a small smile on her rosy face.

"Morning, feisty pants."


We ate breakfast quickly and voraciously, got ready, and went out to the streets.

"Look, Kristoff! Traffic lights!"

"Uh... yeah."

"And the light's cables!"


"And a crane!"

"Good idea to spend all night studying. Now we're not drawing attention at all," I said laughing.

"I don't care! Let me enjoy it!"

"Be my guest."

It was really gratifying to see the emotion in her eyes every time she recognized any detail of everything she had just learned.

"Do you want to try entering here? They seem to have quite a variety."

"Sure, let's go in. And later, will you let me try the pizza?"

"Do ya think of something other than food?"

"I'm just trying to get to know you better."

"Of course..."

We entered that shop excessively filled up with clothes to a point a little stressful for my liking and, after Anna's revealing "Waaaaao", an attentive shop assistant approached us.

"Hello. Can I help you?"

Oh no. That voice. I turned around and, I saw that the one who looked like a friendly saleswoman was indeed Unne, the shameless Unne.

"Hey! Look who it is!"

"So here you work..." I said with some apathy.

Anna looked at me intrigued, Unne looked at Anna, Anna smiled at Unne, and Unne stabbed Anna with her gaze.

"Are you his little sister?" Unne asked with the poison restrained on the tip of her tongue.

"Kristoff's? Oh, no! That would be so weird, I don't know if you understand me."

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