AWM [4]

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Sana's POV

While i am eating my lunch, i caught tzuyu staring at me.

but when i looked back, she avoided my gaze.

'Why is she staring at me? is she falling inlove with me? gosh sana please stop imagining things' thoughts came up on my mind

After i ate everything on my plate, i got up, got my things and ready to go back in the room now.

while i was walking on the hallway, tzuyu slowly walked beside me, we come into the room together.

I felt her hands brushed on mine, it was enough for me to feel butterflies again, argh chou tzuyu what the hell did you do to drive me crazy?

Class started early than i was expecting it to begin, i didn't knew tzuyu is something you won't under estimate, her brain is really incredible.

I can't believe she nailed and answered all of the questions by our teachers for the whole afternoon class.

After our subject teacher left, i saw tzuyu using her phone while staring at something, and she's smiling like she's deeply inlove with whatever it is on the screen.

I get jealous by it, even though i don't know where she is staring at.

I really wanted to be close to her, but i don't know how to approach her, i'm shy.

i maybe need some advises from my friends again.

📞Calling Im Nayeon


"Hey sana-chan, what do you need?"

I need someone to talk to right now nayeonie, im really confuse

"My class was about to end by 5 minutes, Let's meet in the rooftop"

Okay, unnie im on my way there, thankyou:)

After dropping the call, i immediately walked upstairs, going straightly to the rooftop. where nayeon and i will talk.

I sat on the bench, scrolling through my instagram while waiting for unnie.

Surprisingly, i was so stunned looking at the notification that just popped in.

@Tzuyu.Chou started following you

"Oh my freaking god, how to calm? aaaah tzuyu followed me back" i screamed out of happiness

so this is where she was looking into earlier, w-wait did i just see her smile after seeing my account?

omg, my heart kept pounding so fast aaaaaah.

I was about to yell loudly again, when i felt someone standing behind me.

Looked at my back, seeing nayeon unnie glaring at me. like i did something wrong to her.

"What's wrong with your stares?" I confusely asked.

"You called me earlier and you interupt my class, yet after i arrived here, i heard you shouting like you became the happiest woman right now" She responded while giving me a deadly stares.

"oh sorry about that unnie, but i am really confused right now" I said.

"Confused about what sanake?" she asked.

"To be honest, i liked chou tzuyu. the transferee and my classmate, it all started when i enrolled here for 12th year, and i suddenly bumped into her. i didn't know that would be the reason that i'd fall in love with her, and after she asked my name, my jaw literally dropped because of her sweet voice" I catched my breath after saying all of my thoughts.

"What's wrong with being inlove? with liking someone? and what makes you confuse about it?" she asked for the second time.

"Nothing's wrong with being inlove nor liking someone, infact it makes me silently happy even though i know she doesn't feel the same way. the thing is i wanted to approach and talk to her, but i don't have the courage to do so, what should i do" I responded.

"nothing will happen if your just going to seat there, you should atleast try talking to her, maybe she felt the same way towards you, tzuyu was just so shy aswell to approach you, just always remember that whatever happens, we got your back sana-chan" Unnie said while smiling genuinely.

"Thankyou unni, your words helped me" I gladly say while i walked closer and hug her tight.

"Your always welcome sana" she respond while patting my back.

she bid her goodbye, since her professor might come now and its just 5 minutes before her class start.

i stayed at the rooftop for about an hour then i decided to come down now, since it was already 5:30pm and my driver must be waiting on the parking lot now.

But before i succesfully go down, i saw tzuyu lying on the bench next to me. staring at the sunset above.

She's pretty handsome in that position, minutes passed after i noticed that i've been staring at her for a while now.

I must exit already so she won't notice my presence.

Tzuyu's POV

right after our subject teacher left, i reached for my phone inside my bag, then i decided to follow back Sana on instagram.

i stalked her account, all of her photos looks so gorgeous just like her, i didn't noticed i smiled because of it.

The bell rang continuosly, letting all Secondary students know that it's time to go home.

i looked at my side, and saw no one anymore, it means sana left already.

i felt sad tho i am not that close to her.

i wanted to ask her for a lunch and hangout after that, but i don't have the guts to do so.

I go up to rest in the rooftop, sat in one of the bench there.

it really makes me calm just by looking at the sun that was about to covered by darkness.

Not until i felt someone staring at me, just by the smell i know it's Sana.

i didn't even dare to look back, because if i did, she might notice the love i am feeling for her, i might end up fainting because of her beauty.

Sana's POV

after i come down from the rooftop, i relaxed my heart since it was still pounding so fast that it will explode in any moment.

how come she's just staring at the beautiful sunset, and she made my heart fall more into her?

Chou Tzuyu, your really something and someone will be mine soon, mark my words!

It's been a long time since i last updated this FF, i am really sorry for not updating for a week, i just got busy because of the party we celebrated and i also took a short break in social media the same in writing. i almost end up deleting this story, but many people encourage me not to delete this, that if this is my passion then i should go with this, to those who kept cheering me up when i needed those the most, thankyousomuch! i'll write more interesting chapters soon, sorry for the boring chapters btw HAHAHA, always be safe and happy everyone💕


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