New Look

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A/N: sorry for the author's note at the beginning but I do want to address I'm bad at commitment however I'm trying SO IM SORRY BUT LIKE IM TRYING HAHA- anyway I and my crush started dating yesterday so yea amazingness. ANYWAY LETS BEGIN

Dracos POV (aka male barbies pov)

It's 2 in the morning, all I can feel are the sheets and cold air around me while Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle sleep peacefully. There are occasional snores but they don't bother me as much as usual, something else is.


Do I fancy her? Possibly. Will I admit it? No, that's suicide. 

It hurt seeing the way she looked at me a few hours ago, with tears in her eyes, and she was shaking a little. She had stormed up to her dorm and Pansy immediately started screaming at me, calling me an insensitive prick and other very nice names. Me and Blaise headed to our dorm shortly after and he kept giving me cold glances whenever I tried talking to him.

"Pansy's a lunatic, did you hear how she screamed like a banshee?" I said laughing, he didn't reply, just another cold glance. "Blaise what the fuck has gotten into you?" I said going up to him. "Youre a dick Malfoy, you hurt her feelings and you sit there laughing? Believe it or not Malfoy just because you have daddy issues doesn't mean your feelings are more relevant than others." He said getting into bed while I stood there.

Fucks sake

Amandas pov

I woke up early, because Pansy, Hermione and Ginny were jumping on me screaming at me to wake up. If you're wondering how they're in the Slytherin dorms we have secrets against Hogwarts we threatened to reveal if dumbledore didn't let us share. I sat up and looked at them "what the fuck do ÿou guys want" i groaned rubbing my eyes. "To help with your new look" Hermione says pulling me out of bed. "Im not changing myself for Malfoy" I scoff crossing my arms. "This isn't who you are Amanda, messy hair isn't you, plain clothes isn't you, but that's gonna change" Pansy says walking towards my closet to pick an outfit. I was instructed to shower and sit on a chair wearing the outfit Pansy chose:

 I was instructed to shower and sit on a chair wearing the outfit Pansy chose:

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(if you don't like it think of something else)

Ginny set to work on light makeup while Hermione worked on my hair. In the end I looked like this: 

(imagine a pic of cuz ur gorgeous anyway moving on)

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(imagine a pic of cuz ur gorgeous anyway moving on)

It was the weekend so we agreed on going to the three broomsticks because Pansy said that she was told by Blaise him, draco, theo, and the twins were going there today. You got ginny to talk to Fred and convince him to flirt with you to make Draco jealous.

The plan was about to begin execution. 

A/N: Yay another chapter out, I have what I want to happen with the story planned already guys and please leave funny comments because wattpad users are funny asf. So basically this chapter isn't that long sorry but I have no energy but ill try to upload as much as possible so yeah hope u guys are enjoying and thanks so much for the support :). BYE DRINK WATER, EAT WELL AND TAKE CARE OF URSELF BESTIES.

Amanda SnapeWhere stories live. Discover now