Too much wine

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Dracos POV

"So..." I trailed off. I wanted to start some conversation. Lighten things up a bit. Her face looked as if she didn't want to have any conversation. "Do you like it?" I ask her, she looks at me, with an unreadable expression. "Um yeah, it's really nice, thanks for bringing me here." She said. I poured us both a glass of wine, we both sipped on it. After swallowing Amanda looked at me "What wine is this?" she inquired. "Oh we make it here in our vineyard, it's from the year 1899" I replied taking another sip while slicing some cheese and putting it on a cracker. She looked impressed and took another sip.

We started having a light conversation about the vineyard. She sighed "Is it weird I miss Hogwarts?" she said looking at me grinning. "Not at all, even I miss it" I stated pouring our fifth glass of wine. I will admit I was starting to feel a bit tipsy and I could tell Amanda was too. 

This was gonna be fun.

A/N: short chapter just to let everyone know the story is back :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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