Living the Dream

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- Amanda's POV - 

We head into my car and the smell of car leather fills my nose, man I love the smell of car leather. It's the reason I never dirty my car. My dad gets in the passenger seat and plays music. We decide on a playlist I and my friends share, OHMAMI by Chase Atlantic starts paying. I forced my dad to memorize the lyrics so we scream the lyrics together and we burst out laughing at his attempt at the Spanish part.

We get to Malfoy Manor and turn the music down and park. I notice the yellow flowers in the front yard and smile, they're beautiful and cheerful, Narcissa definitely planted them. We walk up the steps and my father knocks on the door.

Cerelia opened the door and jumped on me embracing me while I died of laughter. Blaise, Pansy, and Narcissa appear and we all exchange hugs and greetings. We all head inside where were also greeted by Lucius "Look, Amanda! He's wearing the sweater I got him!" Cerelia says giggling. "It's an amazing sweater Cerelia!" I say giggling. It was a sweater of Sofia the First, I knew that if anyone other than Cerelia got it for him he would have gotten rid of it.

I walk into the kitchen to help Narcissa when I see him. He's wearing a black suit in true Malfoy fashion. His hair is curlier than before, it suits him. He looks up at me and his eyes widen, nothing he hasn't done before. "Malfoy." I state "Snape." He says mocking my tone. I get a pitcher from the cupboard and put some fresh orange juice that Narcissa made freshly from their orange tree in the garden Just because I and Malfoy don't get along there's no reason me and Narcissa shouldn't. 

We all sit at the dining table and put food on each other's plates. Everything is going surprisingly well, Lucius is cracking jokes with my dad, Narcissa and Cerelia talk about Sofia the first, I and Pansy talk about everything mostly gossiping about people from Hogwarts, Blaise and Malfoy talk about work but I feel Draco staring at me a lot.

After about an hour Blaise, Pansy, and Cerelia leave, usually, Narcissa would insist on them staying longer but this time she bid them farewell. Were all sat in the living room, Me on a singular one, which is next to another singular couch Malfoy is sat on, In front of a large couch which my dad and Malfoys parents are sitting on. 

"Now I know we don't always have dinners together but there is an important reason today which is why you both are here," Lucius says grimly. "Draco you haven't found a wife yet and Amanda you are also single, normally this wouldn't be an issue however people your age are having children so you two will be" Narcissa trails off. "Getting married." My dad says abruptly looking at me with a worried expression. I start laughing and so does Malfoy, this has to be a prank. I look at our parents but they look dead serious. "Wait you're serious? I'm not marrying Malfoy!" I yelled standing up "There's no way I'm marrying her, I'm not sure if you guys have noticed but we sort of oh, I don't know, HATE EACH OTHER!" he yelled standing up as well. "Marriage usually involves two people who love each other but you two don't seem to love anyone so an arranged marriage is your only option," Lucius stated.

We were ordered to go up to Dracos room while they discussed what would happen further, for some reason they decided we shouldn't be involved. We went to a large balcony and both sat as far away as possible from each other. I was watching the stars when Malfoy interrupted "You shouldn't be upset, I mean, you're living the dream. You get to marry me, Draco Malfoy, the Slytherin Sex God!" I turned to him with an annoyed expression "I'm pretty sure I'm living a nightmare and before you give yourself the sex god title you might want to actually be good at sex Draco Malfoy."

He got up and sat next to me, I looked at him with confusion "Why in Salazar's name did you decide to sit next to me?" he turned to me "Amanda we are literally getting married, were probably going to fuck and you're concerned about me sitting next to you?" he scoffs. I reply "Were being forced to get married I don't want to have sex with you."


Living the dream.

A/N: I'm hungry and tired sorry if this chapter but oh well.

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