Class with Ravenclaw

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I usual dread getting up but I feel happy waking up for once. Mattheo has had that affect on me all summer, he's the first thing I think of before sleeping and the first thing I think of when waking up. Ugh that was cheesy.

We all sat and had breakfast together, we got through a whole breakfast without any fights or arguing, expect for a girl looking at Cora in the wrong way, so me and Jacob both give her looks that would kill her if they had the chance, but we walked away not killing anyone today, damn.

Yay, we have potions with Ravenclaw, I can't wait! Notice the sarcasm. I swear if what's her face is in the class I am going to avada kedavra myself. Looks like I will be she has just walked in, yeepy.

But she looked flushed, her button messed up and her hair. But Mattheo is sitting in front of me, it's not him. He didn't even look at her, then she gives me a death glare, why me? what have I done?

Anyway the whole of class, consisted of me staring at Mattheo, Mattheo staring at me, ugly glaring at me and me death glaring her. How fun!
After class I had DADA with Mattheo, Draco and Goyle. We had it with Gryffindor, ugh they are the worst.

I sat next to Mattheo and Draco, class seemed to fly by. I didn't want it to end, me, Mattheo and Draco just talked and laughed the whole lesson. We got shouted at a few times but was worth it.
After class we went to the great hall entrance to meet the rest of them. Then we all went and sat by the black lake.

It's so much better now me and Mattheo are friends, we all seem to talk and laughs me now, not them always having to break up a fight or just two people ignoring each other.

We was all having fun joking around and laughing, but then Alice showed up in the same condition she was in in potions. She looked mad, This is going to be good.

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