An amazing night with a twist

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So after all of our classes are over and we've had our dinner. So now we're in the common room, Just me, pans and Daph, the boys are somewhere don't ask me where they just went running off giggling. I was really bored, like no offence to those two but they are so boring, they even bored themselves to sleep. So cos I was bored I took myself up to astronomy tower for a nice peaceful night to myself, only I weren't by myself I saw a figure standing in my spot. Not just any figure, it was Mattheo, he was smoking, I didn't know he smoked.

"Hey babe!" I said scaring him
"Bloody hell Y/N you scared the life out of me" he said
"Sorry I couldn't help it, Theo" I said
He looked confused "what's the matter?" I said
"Theo?" He said
"What? No one ever called you that before?" I asked

"No they haven't, the last person that tried I broke their nose." He said
"Oh well please don't break my nose." I said
"No I won't, promise." He held out his pinky finger, and obviously I took it.
"Besides, it sounds amazing coming from your mouth." He said l, it shocked me a little but I played it of cool.

"Your in my spot you know." I said and he moved out of the way, and I sat down and he sat down next to me.
"And your really beautiful in the night you know." He said. Woah that was out of the blue, mostly cause it's the nicest thing he's ever said to me and it was calling me beautiful.
"Did the Mattheo riddle just call me beautiful?" I asked he nodded

"Well I'm honoured, thats the nicest thing you've ever said to me." I said
"Is it? Well I could say a lot more!" He said
"Really? Well amuse me" I said

"Ok well, you have the prettiest eyes I've ever seen and when your happy they go a shade of green which I fine incredibly strange, yet I love.
Your hair always looks fantastic even when you have just woken up. Your face and body are the best thing I've ever seen, and seeing your face, just even seeing you smile makes my day just like that, and well your body makes every boy happy" I slapped him at the last comment and we both laugh

"sorry but you know it's true. Ok back to the point. My favourite thing about you is your lips. How soft they look, how they are so full of colour and how kissable they are." He said. He was leaning into me and I was leaning in as well, we were so close to touching but obviously had to be interrupted. Draco came running up out of no where screaming my name and cora's.
"Y/N finally I found you" he said out of breath
"Draco what's the matter?" I asked
"Cora... it's Cora!" He said

My face dropped "what about her Draco?"
He stayed silent "Draco answer me!" I said
"She's not good, Y/N. She's not good." He said, I couldn't speak I was to angry and upset
"Where is she Draco?" Mattheo asked
"Hospital wing" Draco said
With that I started to run, run faster then ever.
I could hear them two running behind me.
I could barely breath, I think I was having a panic attack or an anger attack.

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