Christmas break

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Y/N's POV:
So me and Mattheo have been together for about a month and half, almost 2 months.
It's Christmas soon and I'm going home for the holidays and Mattheo is coming to, he's meeting my parents, we'll he's met them a bunch of times but he's meeting them now as my boyfriend, which is nerve wrecking.

Me, Mattheo, Cora and Jacob sit in a compartment together. Mattheo is so good with Cora and he's like best friends with Jacob, a little scary. The whole ride Jacob's taunting Theo about meeting dad and getting through Archie while Cora is trying to make it better and say he's got nothing to worry about. To be honest, I personally think he should be more scared of mum, she's the scariest out of all of us.

When we arrive at king cross, we get all of our things and go of to fine my parents. But to me surprise we see Archie and not my parents, I ran up to him and give him the biggest hug ever. I hadn't seen him in ages I really missed him.

"What are you doing here?" Jacob asks
"Mum and dad had work so they sent me to pick you all up" Archie said
"Oh okay" Jacob said
"Where's Minnie then?" I asked
"Back at the house the house elves watching her" Archie said
"Oh okay good" I said

"So Mattheo finally got her I see" Archie said to mattheo
"Ye after all this time" Mattheo said putting his arm around my shoulders and kissing my head.

Why is Archie being nice to him? That's strange and also what did he mean by finally got her.
"Good to know your part of the family now mate" Archie said shaking Mattheos hand and bringing him into a man hug, what in the name of Salazar.

Cora came running from behind us and jumps and hugs Archie. "Archie I missed you" she said
"Missed you to Cora. Right then come on better get going" Archie said.

Jacob, Cora and Archie walked in front of me and Mattheo. "What was that about" I whispered to Mattheo, he looked at me confused
"What do you mean?" He asked
"You and Archie" I said
"Oh ye were quite good friends, he's knew I liked you for a while now" he said like it was obvious
"How are you friends?" I asked
"From the meetings" he said smiling down at me
"Oh. That makes more sense" I say smiling back up at him
"What did you think?" He asked
"No clue to be honest" I say. He just laughs at me.

On the car ride home we all had a sing song, to literally every song that Archie put on, to my surprise Mattheo had quite a good voice it shocked me a little. We sang so loud I think I was deaf by the time we got out the car, I weren't expecting Mattheo to be so good and confident with my family. In school he's like a different person, rude, angry, loud and scary but in the car now he's kind, calm and he seems really happy, I don't think I've ever seen him smile so much, I liked him like this.

When we got to the house the fun didn't stop, we were still singing on the way to the front door but finally stopped and just laughed when we got into the house. I loved being back home especially because Mattheo is her now too.

"Come on I'll show you my room" I said dragging Mattheo upstairs.
When we got to my room I stopped and had a sneaky look inside to check it was clean, to my surprise it was, not like how I left it thank god.

I walked in with Mattheo behind me, I ran and jumped on my bed "god I've missed you" I said into my pillow. I felt the bed dip, I turned around to see Mattheo looking at me smiling like a kid.

"What are you so smiley about?" I say sitting up so I'm sitting next to him.
"Just happy to be here with you for Christmas" he smiled kissing me and then leaning his forehead on mine "especially alone in your room" he whispered going to kiss my neck.
"Ye with my 2 big brothers downstairs" I whispered back
"They both love me it'll be fine" he said against my neck.

I finally snapped back into reality and pushed him off and said "maybe later, I want you to meet Minnie first" I kissed his cheek
"Ah yes the famous little Minnie"
I laugh, stood up and dragged him out the room again and said "yes and she's dying to meet you so hurry up"

When we got downstairs we went into the living room and saw everyone sitting there. Minnie was on Jacob's knee and then she saw me and ran  over and hugged my legs "hey min" I said picking her up and hugging her and kissing her cheek
"oh merlin I missed you" she sat up and I tickled her, then she looked at Mattheo.

She whispered in my ear and said "who's the fit boy?" I laughed at what she said, "wow you are a Minnie me, good taste in boys" I said tickling her again. "Minnie this is Mattheo, the one I told you about" I said putting her down.

"I'm Minnie white-law, nice to meet you Mattheo" she said putting her hand out for Mattheo to shake. Mattheo bends down, nmshakes her hand and smiles at her "nice to meet you to, call me Theo. I've heard a lot about you"

"Same here, your a lot more gorgeous then
Y/N/N described you as" Minnie said
Mattheo smiled and looked up and me and said "oh ye? what else does she say about me?" He asked
"A lot like how smart you are and funny and..."
"Ok that's enough tho back to Jacob" I interrupt Minnie

"So you talk about me a lot hm?" Mattheo says as we walked to the kitchen
"Shut up, just be glad she didn't tell you what I used to say" I smiled sweetly at him
"Oh ye what did you use to say?" He said
"About how you are an annoying, smart ass stuck up prick" I said kissing his cheek
"Wow your so sweet do you know that?" He said sneaky his arms around my waist
"Yes actually I do" I said kissing him.

I heard the door open, so we pulled away. It was my mum and dad.
"Mum, dad" I said hugging them
"Oh sweetly hello" mum said
"Oh look how you've grown" dad said
"You haven't seen me in a couple months I haven't changed that much" I said
"No but you've gone more like me, lucky you" dad said winking at me, I just laughed at him

"Mum, dad  you know Mattheo" I said
"Nice to see you both again" Mattheo said putting his hand out
"Ah Mattheo how lovely to see you" mum said hugging him. Did I miss something there as well.
"Yes how are you son?" Dad asked shaking his hand
"Amazing sir, your daughter really keeps me happy" Mattheo said smiling at me
"Oh how wonderful, I've always hoped for you to get together" mum said smiling holding both mine and Mattheos cheeks in her hands.

Cora and Jacob ran out to mum and dad with Archie after them and Minnie running behind him.

"Did I miss something Were all my family love you or something?" I asked Mattheo
"Maybe, or maybe I'm just amazing" Mattheo said
"Ye right" I snort
"that was really rude, you truly hurt my feelings" Mattheo said trying to act hurt, I just laugh at his stupid face fake crying

Then dad said "right everyone go clean up for dinner we have some guest that are coming over so dress nice". So we all go run upstairs and get ready.

So far this is going perfectly, I really hope nothing ruins it.

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