The truth

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Me and Cedric have been a thing for 2 and half weeks now. I still feel the same, nothing has changed. I need to make a change, I need to talk to him just don't know what to say.

He's been on a different girl every night. He looks terrible like he hasn't slept in weeks.
It makes me feel worse seeing him like that.
I don't see him at breakfast, lunch or dinner. Like he hasn't been eating, he's not the only one.

I haven't ate since the argument, every time I look at food or even think of it knocks me Ill.
I sleep but not a lot, I always dream of him so I try sleep as much as I can, it's just hard when I always feel like crying whenever I shut my eyes.

Right now, I'm sitting in the library with Cedric, he's talking to me about something he did in a lesson, I don't know what lesson, I just keep zoning out drifting of to sleep.
"Y/N are you okay?" He asked waking me up a little
"What? Oh ye I'm fine just tired" I said
"You always tired recently, are you sure you okay?" he asked

I couldn't help it I began crying like crazy, like I'd never cried before. Cedric just hugged me.
I told him everything, what I felt and that I know what was going on between him and cho Chang and that it's fine because I love someone else.
He understood but was confused as to why I don't tel him I knew sooner.

The truth is he made me laugh and feel something when he was with me, I don't like him but I felt safe like he was my best friend or my big brother.

He cupped my face with his hands and said
"Y/N, go find him. Tell him everything"
With that I smiled to him and jumped up and ran to find Mattheo. I didn't care if he didn't want to talk to me or see me, I need to tell him.

Mattheo POV:

I've been so unhappy, more then I normally am.
Draco and blaise have been worried about me, I wonder if she's worried? I can't stop thinking about her, I think about her so much it hurts.

I was now in my dorm when Draco and blaise came rushing in, they looked fuming
"Alright, we need to talk" Draco said
"About what" I said standing up
"About you and Y/N" when blaise said her name I looked down, how did they know about her?
"I don't know what your talking about" I said waving it off and sitting back down on my bed

"Don't act stupid, we know you like her, we know you could even love her" Draco said
"You have been in a terrible state since you both fought, you need to make it right" blaise said

I thought about it, getting more upset.
"She doesn't want to see me. She doesn't care anymore" I said beginning to cry but holding it back, I'm not crying in front of them.

"Mate." Draco sat next to me "go to her and tell her, don't hide away" he said
"Make her listen. I know you think she won't but she's been the same as you since it happened not in the same ways but in her own" blaise said

"She hates me" I said
"Mate you are so thick. Don't put her through something worse for longer. She's been through enough this year, she doesn't need this silly fight with the person she's in love with. She is my best friend and I don't want her hurting anymore then she is. so please just go to her and make her talk and listen, please!" I've never heard draco sound like that talking about something. Then it hit me

"She loves me?" I asked, then I finally knew
"I need to find her" I said
"Ye no shit dick head" blaise laughed

I ran out my dorm, I could hear them shouting go get her, I just laughed to myself.
I'm finally going to her, I'm telling her I love her and I want to be with her.
I just hope she doesn't hate my guts

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