'Thank you for helping'

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A/N- I know this took forever and it's not even that long but I hope you enjoy.

I woke up the next morning with Mattheo next to me still asleep, I start to recall the events of last night. I decide to get up and go downstairs but when I looked in the mirror to see my face red and puffy, I go to take a shower instead.

The hot water on my skin felt relieving, like I needed it. It felt somewhat comforting just to be in it. I just stood there thinking about Lexi.
I started to think of all the good memories we had together. I wish we could've made more, I'm never going to get the chance to now.

I thought of this one particular memory from my 8th birthday. I was having a birthday party at my house, Me and Lexi had a enough and ran up to my attic. We hid in there for hours just talking, about random things that I'd never even spoke about before, like the future and our plans, about what we want to do and families.

We also spoke about running away together and starting a whole new life in the muggle world, away from everyone and everything.
Lexi said we should get a farm with goats and cows and all sorts of animals, and we'd get husbands and have kids, but we'd all live in the same house and be one big shoot family.

To this day I'll remember ever detail of the conversation, and it will always be one of the best days of my life, and I'll always be glad it was with her.

When I got out the shower, Mattheo was awake,
"Morning darling, are you okay?" He asked
"Morning, I'm better I guess" I said sitting down next to him, he kissed my cheek and brought me into a tight hug.

"Thank you for helping" I said to him, almost crying again but stopping myself
"It's no problem my love, I'll always be here to help you no matter what and no matter when" Mattheo said kissing me sweetly

"I love you theo"
"I love you too"

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