First date

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Mattheo's POV:
I had the perfect date planned ever, she's going to love it. We hopefully she's going to.

I've been in the commons room for about 15 minutes, stressing. I don't know why I'm nervous. I guess I just want everything to be perfect.

Speaking of perfect, Y/N has just walked down the stairs. She looked beautiful, she wore a tight green top that showed her curves so perfectly that I could just take it- no stop it Mattheo this is a nice, calm first date, don't mess it up.

"Hi boyfriend" Y/N said
"Hey girlfriend" I kissed her head.
"So what's the plan?" She asked
"You'll just have to find out won't you"
"Ah I see, going for the mysterious way" she said
"Yes I am. So let's go" i said

I dragged her out the common room. I look back at her and see her laughing and smiling. Merlin I love her smile and her laugh.

We make it to the black lake and I go to sit down bringing her with me. "So this is the date place?" She asked
"No but this is a very special place" i look at her smiling. She smiled back at me and kissed me on the cheek.

Y/N's POV:
He's actually amazing. He brought me to the place we first said we loved each other.
We sit watching the lake holding hands in silence but a very nice silence not the awkward kind, I  can't think of a better place to be.

"Right then come on" Mattheo says standing up.
"What? where are we going?" I asked
"Somewhere, come on" he said
"Ok starting to not like the mysterious way" I laughed. He walks us to the forbidden forest

"your not going to kill me are you?" I asked
"No why would I kill you? I love you" he stops and kisses me. "Ok just checking" I said.

After a while of walking,
"Ok close your eyes" he said
"oh your definitely going to kill me aren't you, please don't I have so much to live for and.."
"Shut up and close your eyes" he said laughing.
"Fine but if you kill me I swear to merlin I'll haunt you" I warned closing my eyes, he just laughed and led me somewhere else.

"Ok. Open" he whispered
I open my eyes and I'm shocked at what I see in front of me.
It's a beautiful water fall with a clear pond all around it, I see a picnic blanket set up
"This is amazing, how did you find it?" I asked

"I used to walk around the forest a lot, I found this place and it become special to me. So I brought you here, because your also special to me" he said, I nearly start crying, "come on" he grabbed my hand and took me to the picnic blanket.

We sat, ate, laughed, talked and Mattheo brought a polaroid camera so we took a lot of pictures too.
Best date ever hands down.

"Ok there's one more thing" Mattheo said
"What is it?" I asked
He just looked at the water, "no, I'm not getting in that, I don't even have a swimsuit" I protested.
"Please. Come on it'll be fun and for the swimsuit I don't mind you don't have one," he smirked at me and I hit his arm.
"Fine if you don't want to you don't have to" he said

"Race you to the water" I said getting up and running.
I took my clothes off so I was left in my underwear and jumped in, Mattheo did the same thing.

We swam around for a while, splashing each other and acting like little kids, which was the best ending to the perfect date.

Mattheo swam close to me as I was turned around and wrapped his arms around my waist and turned me around. We just looked at each other and smiled, for about 3 minutes, I couldn't take it anymore so I kissed him.

We kissed for a while, but soon pulled apart for air. He kissed my noise and said "come on or we'll miss dinner"

So we got out and dressed, Mattheo got all the things together and grabbed my hand, he apparated us to his room, I didn't know he could do that.

"Bloody bell Theo, I did not know you could do that" I said
"Ye sorry I never mentioned it" he apologised
"It's fine, it's cool. We can go anywhere now" I kissed him, I got a bit heated. I ended up on top of him on his bed.

He pulled away and said "Did I tell you you looked absolutely gorgeous today, especially in your underwear"
"Yes actually you did just about 25 times" I smiled down at him "come on let's go to dinner"
"Ugh fine" Mattheo moaned

In the commons room, I stopped him and said "Theo I just wanted to say, thank you for today, it was amazing, not amazing it was perfect"
He smiled like a little kid who got sweets and kissed me, not like a normal kiss, it felt like a happy one.

Mattheo's POV:
This was the best day ever and hearing her say it was as well, made it 10 times better.
I can't wait to have more days like that with her, I'll make each one better, for the rest of my life.

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