Chapter 1: Esme current time (6 years after breaking dawn)

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I stared out the bedroom window at the beautiful Alaskan scenery. The northern lights dances across the blue-violet canvas and I sighed. I fell back on the pillow and waited for Carlisle to return from work. It is very boring to be alone all day. Renesmee, Jacob, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice, Jasper, Edward, and Bella all attend highschool during the day and in the middle of winter the night is the day. Sure Carmen and Tanya and our other Debali cousins were next door but I was not in the food for talking with them. Tanya and Jedidiah were newly married and it was difficult just being around them, they were very much like Rosalie and Emmett. I could understand why, Tanya has waited longer than Edward for her soul mate and of all times she found him right before we were all scheduled to die but then Jasper saved the day and his lovely bride. Alice, she has put me through trauma. From running away to South America, running away to Biloxi, running away to send Jasper on a goose chase so he would not be killed in the battle. Luckily for her he came back in time to rip Aro's head off as he was about to rip off hers. I liked to reflect on my life. I was grateful for a plethora of things, regretted a few, and lived all. Most of all I am grateful for believing in my dreams because my dreams kept Carlisle real to me and my dreams brought me to him. And with out Carlisle, well, I would be rotting under a head stone with no name or engraving as is expected of suicide victims back in my day. Carlisle was what kept my heart beating, I was waiting for my angel. He came.

There was a knock on the door and I skipped down the stairs to answer it. I was not exactly afraid of murderers or ciminals anymore even if I was a weak vampire I was stronger then humans no matter what and if a psycho walked through the door they would be dead instantly. Psychotic blood tastes very alluring if you ask me. I answered the door and looked out at the snow covered ground sparkling with as much light as the stars should have been. But there were no stars the stars were on the ground trapped in the snow or atleast that was what it looked like.

Two figures stood on the doorstep. I recognized their scent almost immedierly but before I could say anything a pair of arms were around my neck and another was hurriedly scribbling something down. I glanced at it and gasped. No! I screamed internally. No! No Carlisle that's not true! I love you! Carlisle! But the other figure came over and as I struggled I was no match to their supernatural strength and soon I was in a dark black sack. I could have ripped free but one vampire held the sack in his arms squeezing it so tight I could not breathe. Not that I needed too, but I could not even if I wanted too. The note that the second figure had left burned in my memory. Oh, Carlisle, don't be a fool! I begged to him as I'd he could ready my thoughts, which he sadly, could not.

"Carlisle, I need safety and security. I need true love as I have decided that I have been putting up with you, but you're not really true love. Good bye my sweet children to lose a child again and what was a misconception of love, thata is too great a burden. I pray that Carlisle is right about our souls, I plan on finding out. ~Esme. " the figurehead written in an almost exact imitation of my script. Why was my family a conflict magnet? Sometimes stories of happiness are better than ones with conflict and plot schemes.

Carlisle and I's love story, well it did not lack conflict. Not between each other, oh no, but other things conflicting with us. The urge to drink throat raged in response to the memory and I bit my lip hard trying to think of something else. I clawed at the velvet sack but it did not budge. "Why are you doing this Vladmir?" I screamed at the Count One.

"Because dear, you are quite beautiful you know, and Carlisle did something...unforgivable," the two drachmas hissed in agreement and I kicked at him from inside my sack. "Feisty, rawr."

"My mate, my husband, the other half of myself, he is a grey man! What could he possibly have done to cause...this?" I asked exasperated.

Vladmir smiled, well I could not see it but I ears as his muscles tightened and his cheeks were pulle up at angles on the sides of his face. As his lips parted to let out an evil grin and as his eyelids fluttered in a habitual blink. "Your ex-husband, ex-mate, remember? You just broke up with him-"

I was like a torpedo inside the sack. A Tasmanian devil rolling around with blades and guns ready to kill Vladmir for this. "He is not my ex anything he is my forever!" I corrected with another shove at the sack lining.

"Drive faster," Vladmir growled under his breath to the driver. A quick sniff confirmed who his counterpart was.

"Carlisle won't fall for your trickery, he knows how much I love him," I said but I wondered. Did he know? Of course he knows! I screamed at myself. Don't let them germinates your head Esme! I reprimanded. I loved him sense forever, since I was sixteen years old and had a broken leg from taking a fall out of a tree. Carlisle had been my doctor because the usual one was away and if that's not fate I don't know what is. But he moved away shortly and at twenty two my parents pressured me in to marriage. In to the worst last years of my life for ever. "You never answered my question."

"Carlisle ended the Volturi without any help how dare he?" Vladmir reinforced how betrayed and pissed he was. Oh well it leaft he was the mapper not the napped. Being baled sucks. End of story, as we drove on I had daydreams and thoughts, above all thoughts

Finding Isle Esme (the prequel/end of the Forever Alice trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now